And in the history of idle threats, that's got to be among the most toothless. "If you don't follow our rules - which you obviously don't want to - then you won't get to be injected by the vaccine - which you're probably skeptical of"
You don't think they're really that stupid, do you?
Once the Digital Currency is in place, you're money literally won't work for transactions if you haven't gotten the vaccine, and your movement will be restricted at the point of sale.
Don't be surprised if you don't get a vaccine, and your fancy-smancy-Credit Card that's tied into your digital wallet no longer functions 30 miles from your home. Don't be surprised if the new Social Justice Credit Bureau that the Harris administration is proposing is going to give you 15% VAT on transactions that are culturally appropriative.
Yeah, I'm with Giz here. It won't just be the vaccine. The vaccine may be used to restore your previously-uninfringed rights to free movement and free association. Can't have you wandering around free to infect someone's beloved grandma, now, can we?
Darn it, I wanted to be the first to say that :(
And in the history of idle threats, that's got to be among the most toothless. "If you don't follow our rules - which you obviously don't want to - then you won't get to be injected by the vaccine - which you're probably skeptical of"
You don't think they're really that stupid, do you?
Once the Digital Currency is in place, you're money literally won't work for transactions if you haven't gotten the vaccine, and your movement will be restricted at the point of sale.
Don't be surprised if you don't get a vaccine, and your fancy-smancy-Credit Card that's tied into your digital wallet no longer functions 30 miles from your home. Don't be surprised if the new Social Justice Credit Bureau that the Harris administration is proposing is going to give you 15% VAT on transactions that are culturally appropriative.
At that point, you are under hostile occupation and all the rules are gone.
Having previously been the occupier in this scenario, I assure you, that the rules may be gone, but the fight is not.
Yeah, I'm with Giz here. It won't just be the vaccine. The vaccine may be used to restore your previously-uninfringed rights to free movement and free association. Can't have you wandering around free to infect someone's beloved grandma, now, can we?