I've noticed that I've been consistently right... but I tend to be late.
I find this quite alarming because my normie friends seem utterly baffled by my comments. It seems like I'm about a week late compared to reality, but I'm 3 months ahead of the media, who are 3 months ahead of the normies.
I've resorted to giving out silver to my friends and ordering them not to sell it because of my concern towards an economic collapse. My friends are confused, but happy to oblige. My co-workers who are disgustingly, typically, middle-class have actually mocked me for such efforts. These are the same people who told me "we aren't going to be in a recession" after a week of stock market collapse I had been waiting 12 years for.
I'm starting to hate being right, but the good news is that most of my latest predictions are more white pilled... we'll see if I stay right.
In any case, at least this time I was early.... by 5 days, but it's still an improvement.
You think they'll try to co-opt the term "deep state"?
Only if the unwashed masses in general start seeing "deep state" as being something negative:
If the people see a word as something bad, associate it with my enemy.
If the people see a word as part of my enemy, associate it with something bad.
It'll be something alluding to soldiers and warfare.
"Donald Trump's entrenched army of sycophants is a direct threat to the continued security of our Republic."
you predicted it https://archive.is/RYI89 https://archive.is/gtRxX
I've noticed that I've been consistently right... but I tend to be late.
I find this quite alarming because my normie friends seem utterly baffled by my comments. It seems like I'm about a week late compared to reality, but I'm 3 months ahead of the media, who are 3 months ahead of the normies.
I've resorted to giving out silver to my friends and ordering them not to sell it because of my concern towards an economic collapse. My friends are confused, but happy to oblige. My co-workers who are disgustingly, typically, middle-class have actually mocked me for such efforts. These are the same people who told me "we aren't going to be in a recession" after a week of stock market collapse I had been waiting 12 years for.
I'm starting to hate being right, but the good news is that most of my latest predictions are more white pilled... we'll see if I stay right.
In any case, at least this time I was early.... by 5 days, but it's still an improvement.