Saying "I am a Marxist" is just as bad as saying "I am a Nazi": Change My Mind
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I think the difference is Communism has a direct and complete domineering hand over the means of production, whilst Nazism had an indirect hand over the means of production. I think Nazis allowed some market freedom but had a hand in it to make sure it "worked for the benefit of the state"
Which is pretty much the system the Chinese seem to have today, really.
Oh, and Nazis had a reputation for politeness, at least. Communists are rude as fuck.
That's just Chinese people in general.
is it? im pretty sure the commies in america are very rude as well. Or the commies in other countries too.
Maybe, but Chinese people are rude as fuck in my experience. No sense of personal space or order of procession. Frankly I don't want them in my country.