vaisian 2 points ago +2 / -0

There would be a big public perception issue if there were a major problem with a vaccine.

But the current issues are nowhere near that level.

They are distributing the vaccine at cost - so no profit for them. For many of the pharmas, have had grants from govs to increase capacity, and in general, the vaccines are proving to be a massive PR win for them - the pandemic has been fantastic for them, and I don't see that changing in the short term.

10s of millions of doses have been given already. The only issues that rise above common side effects are blood clots, which can't be statistically linked to the vaccine, and anaphylaxis, which is a known risk in some people and can be treated if it happens; I don't think AZN is at risk.

The current worry around blood clots doesn't make sense. Blood clots happen at a rate in the general population of about 100/million people per month. So a handful of people getting a blood clot isn't a surprise given the number of vaccines. It doesn't make sense why some countries have banned it, and unless some other evidence comes out, I think they'll reverse shortly.

Full disclosure: I'm in favour of the vaccine and think the majority give excellent protection for minimal side effects, and I think everyone should get it when offered :)