I don't know what to explain, they were there in the trenches since 2014. Their trenches allowed then to hold out, unlike elsewhere. In some places like Avdivka the front didn't even move at all. And they are in the Donbas region, not "on the border".
They're not surrounded and also the troops from the north (and that's on both sides) have moved there after the Kiev battle. Both sides continue to reinforce continously.
Chernobyl level
You should see the other illustration: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/EFE5/production/_124131416_tfss-sharing-37-1024x.jpg
The far right (huh) dude looks like the retards from Monty Python: https://doubtfulsea.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/gumbies.png
He seems to have father issues.
The show also explored topics such as non-sexual nudity and gender and was aimed at children as young as five.
Illustration: https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/EFE5/production/_124131416_tfss-sharing-37-1024x.jpg
He's multiple men, enabling his male rage exceed the 100% limit like Senator Armstrong.
account ,which
Speaking of editing (at Newsweek).
McCarthy never even spoke about Hollywood publicly.
Alex Jones' Infowars just filed for bankruptcy like yesterday.
It wasn't porn. It was, uh, lolicon fanservice with real kids.
Don't use the r-word, it's hurtful to marginalized neuroatypical folx.
It's not a threat, it's a promise.
Go to r/kappa to see the black dominated FGC culture.
Von Stauffenberg finally uncovered as Jewish infiltrator - KIA News.
They're the nu-Germans.
In the original canon his son grandson was Commander Keen (whose son was Doomguy).
Black guys who are into fighting games are seldom Sonic Fox types.
Made locally in the Antonov factory, albeit in the Soviet times.
There was also another one that was never completed.
URL bar, also file location bar and search bar.
DOOM didn't really change (in spirit) but it's not quite what I mean.
Well, I just was notified how the Nazi hate machine wunderfaffe to "weaken democracy" in 2022 onward are comfy synth not-just-combat music videos: https://twitter.com/WheatPM/status/1516129451721043980 (about https://twitter.com/NotWoofers/status/1516115706684882946)
Evidently, the NSBM being not only just very cringe but also so 1990s. Good riddance if you ask me.
And I don't know what you're reading, but you should better try for example Strelkov: https://twitter.com/mdmitri91/status/1516796704816832512 Who in his time was much more successful with his limited guerrilla style forces than the current Russian warlords are with all their firepower.