kratomlol 28 points ago +30 / -2

We are losing the culture war. This all started with the sjw and feminists getting job positions they don't deserve and then spewing their ideology into every bit of entertainment, news and political positions

kratomlol 4 points ago +5 / -1

Doubt it but you can probably find a good deal on Facebook Marketplace in riot cities for the new consoles

kratomlol 17 points ago +17 / -0

Don't know of a single leftist that goes to the gym.

kratomlol 21 points ago +21 / -0

I'm so fucking tired of CNN. The amount of blatant propaganda is disgusting. You shouldn't even have to like Trump to see it's a reality show. The news media shouldn't be pro either candidate and just simply lay out the facts and let me fucking decide myself. But the facts would support Joe Biden mental state is declining and Hillary has a lot to do with bad shit.

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