ditch_doctor 8 points ago +8 / -0

If I remember correctly, hes been approached to run for leader of CPC before. He didnt want to do it because he has very young children he doesnt want to spend time away from.

We can always hope though.

ditch_doctor 4 points ago +4 / -0

He is most definitelly an idiot. The first thing he did at the trial is try to pull some sovereign citizen bullshit that the judge wanted no part of. From the trial transcritp:

THE ACCUSED: Yes. First thing, I'd like to establish something for and on the record, is this a court of law or an administrative office for the enfrocement of public policy under colour or law for the corporation of the Province of Alberta. THE COURT: Sir, I am not going to entertain this today. This is a court of law, you are here for your trial --

If anybody wants to go read it for themselves, you can find it here