blackestknight 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are literally making an argument that 40,000 potentially “straight” people having hiv out of 35 million is anything

Yes, because it's a significant number.

Conflation of actual data is just sad.

Denying data just because it doesn't validate your world view is SJW. I'd rather be sad than an SJW.

Can you prove that any of these people got hiv from a medical blood transfusion

They didn't get it from gay sex or heterosexual sex. Geez, what's left, magic ?

No, needle sharing or bloodtransfusions or wound contact.

why is that allowed in Canada?

Same reason it's allowed in the US : testing is not perfect. Though needle sharing or wound to wound contact is more likely.

blackestknight 9 points ago +9 / -0

What gets me the most is McDonald's Iced beverages. They use these massive plastic cups for them, but then give you a paper straw.

Like wtf dude.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Organizations don't pass laws.

Senators do.

Senator Scott Weiner is a man.

Good look at his twitter timeline since you like your brother gays and trannies so much, you'll love it.

blackestknight 1 point ago +2 / -1

The answer is 0 since you limited it to a single non-plausible scenario.

Why though did you pick handshakes ? It can transmit through clothing contact or other forms of contacts between the infected's fluids and the recipients blood or mucosa.

Did, why are you mad about simple facts ? You sound like a total retard.

Like are you afraid gays are going to get stigmatized ? My god, who fucking cares about them. If they get stigmatized and people try to steer clear of them, fuck them. You sound like MSM panic of stigmatization of the gays!

"Please don't be homophobic, this won't spread to you!".

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Schlong COVID is not just a bloodborn disease. It also spreads through puss from the postules and through saliva, though both require contact with more than just the skin of the recipient (either open wounds or mucosa).

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you ?

According to national HIV estimates, 32,044 gbMSM were living with HIV in Canada in 2018. This represents 51.7% of all people with HIV in Canada. The estimate included 30,316 men who had sex with men and 1,728 men who had both injected drugs and had sex with men.

(gbMSM = gays).

Just because you didn't get it through heterosexual SEX doesn't mean you're not straight. HIV spreads through blood contact, like blood transfusions or needle sharing. That's how the other 20% of STRAIGHT people got it.

So please, next time you call someone a troll or retard, actually use your brain to think if you actually have a point or not.

blackestknight 3 points ago +3 / -0

20k is a good chunk of people having an incurable disease. Like I don't know why some of you want to deny reality so bad. You sound like trannies.

HIV spread to the straight population. Monkeypox will too, especially since not all the methods of transmission requires sex.

  1. Why use Canada?

Because I'm Canadian.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

(which I trust not even a little,

"I don't like the numbers because they don't validate my opinion!".

My god dude, you want an echo chamber with your safe space ?

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

And who ran the gay organizations that pushed for it?

Senator Scott Weiner. A guy.

blackestknight 2 points ago +3 / -1

How did you find this place anyways?

Been here since 2014. Gamergate ring any bells ?

Also, Imp, stop posting on your alt account to upvote and agree with yourself.

blackestknight -4 points ago +1 / -5

Aids never even made a blip in the heterosexual population

Currently, half of infections in Canada are in the heterosexual population :


Don't claim others are revising history when you yourself seem to just be quite ignorant.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do believe in freedom of conscience, so killing people for being Nazis is very wrong.

Then tell yourself you're killing them for shelling the Donbass region if it'll make you feel better.

blackestknight 0 points ago +2 / -2

All the virgins in Africa getting fucked by HIV positive men, because it's touted as the cure.

It only requires 1 partner to catch : an HIV positive partner that's not taking their suppression meds correctly.

Half of HIV infections in Canada are found in straight people :


Are you going to claim they're all degenerates ? Some people catch it through tainted blood transfusions at the hospital. I hope you don't happen to need a pint or two of blood next time you crash your car.

Look, something can be a gay disease, but it's daft to think it'll never make its way into the straight population. In fact, this kind of denial is how you end up catching it yourself.

blackestknight 0 points ago +3 / -3

Barely ?


According to the Canadian stats (not African "we rape virgins because it cures AIDS" stats), half of current HIV infections are straight people. Yes, that's a lower rate (since there's less gays than straights, at least as of now), but it's also not "barely".

Monkeypox isn't a permanent hosting, it is (highly) visible through most of the duration of its transmissable phase

Monkeypox is contagious prior to the first lesions ever showing up.

and it doesn't actually appear to be that easy to pass on

Sure, but we already have kids with it. It'll make its way into the straight population, that's just a fact. I know the urge to dump on Tim Pool is big, but he's just not wrong.

blackestknight 4 points ago +5 / -1

Source : "Trust me bruh".

Meanwhile, it's a man that changed it to a Misdemeanor to knowingly infect people with HIV in California (and also lowered punishment for abusing little boys).

blackestknight 36 points ago +38 / -2

Where's the lie though ?

Gays will eventually transmit it to straights. It happened with AIDS, it'll happen with Monkeypox.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of them don't wear it on their arms though

"Oh, I'm just here for the Brotherhood, wait why is everyone wearing actual literal Nazi imagery ?".

No one is that stupid.

Besides, since when does a badge merit you a hanging?

Since they decided "there's no such thing as an innocent Nazi". "I was just following orders" is not a defense.

We're not talking some innocent right wing group that is misrepresented in the media here like the Proud Boys. We're talking actual, literal, Nazi fanboys that are killing people for simply living in an area disliked by the Regime.

blackestknight 0 points ago +3 / -3

Do you know why the opponent's of the State of Israel hate America?

Yes, because they are jealous little muslim bitches.

Maybe Trump hasn't learned not to trust Kushner, but Kushner and Ivanka have distanced themselves from daddy.

Sounds like your head cannon fanfic to me.

blackestknight -1 points ago +4 / -5

Why does America's foreign policy turn on a narrow strip of land on the east end of the Mediterranean?

Why wouldn't it when its opponents hate America ?

Trump made a mistake and trusted Jared Kushner. I suspect he's learned his lesson there.

Learned what lesson ? Kushner is his son in law and brokered a massive peace deal that Trump still touts as one of his presidency's historical achievements.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Regardless, yes they're bad, but that is not the question here.

I mean, it's not like Cap being in S.H.I.E.L.D. when it's in fact infiltrated by Hydra. When you wear the badge on your arm, some McCarthyism ain't all bad.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now do every fucking American politician. They all seem to have these weird made up "artist names".

Beto fucking O'Rourke.

blackestknight -1 points ago +6 / -7

On all other issues, though... Best friend of Israel, totally silent on monetary and fiscal suicide, fine with expanding state power in the short term and then handing it back to his enemies

That's no different than Trump.

Also, who cares he's friend with Israel, you'd rather he be friend with "Palestine" ?

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