ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0

That makes sense, I've definitely not heard anything good about CVT transmissions. I prefer manual too, and actually have an older WRX as a daily driver.

I tried looking up a few things regarding the emissions stuff I was referring to, and now am actually having trouble finding it. I'm like 99% sure of what I read, I'm honestly wondering if some of the references to it were wiped.

Basically, older trucks like a 2005 ram 2500 diesel were extremely reliable, with regular maintenance and a few minor fixes here and there I've heard people get like 500k miles to upwards of 1M miles. Newer trucks with all their emissions equipment are crap. People were having to replace their entire exhaust/DPF/DEF systems at like 20-30k miles at a cost of over $5k, not covered by warranty. Try and remove their crap and either the truck won't run due to the computer systems, or you'll get hit with major fines and shit if you live in an emissions tested area. All of that is on top of having to spend extra on DEF fluid, and also getting worse mpg due to the extra fuel burn to regen the filters. The entire system ends up polluting even more due to the additional fuel burn, more parts replacements, and additional processing/manufacturing requirements for all the extra shit. The only benefit (for them) is they get a lot more money out of us, and they get to say "we're being more environmentally friendly".

It honestly doesn't surprise me that some of those trucks are still going for like $25-35k nearly 20 years later.

ancientarchitect369 5 points ago +5 / -0

It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the new cars selling now a days will need full rebuilds or major work done after 8 years. With all these new emissions requirements they're forcing people to follow, I've heard some diesel trucks require $Thousands in maintenance even after 3-4 years.

They took vehicles with engines that used to last 1M miles and fucked them up to the point where you're probably gonna spend like $10k in the first 100k miles on replacement parts/fixes.

ancientarchitect369 1 point ago +1 / -0


Barely covers inflation/cost of living increases, but at least my company has not bugged me about getting the vax once this last year.