Workhorse101 6 points ago +6 / -0

At least this puts to bed the accusations by some on the right who think he is just controlled opposition. Na, who am I kidding, they will still be saying that!

Workhorse101 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like Gerald, he takes his hits from Crowder in good spirit and fits in with the show very well.

Workhorse101 17 points ago +17 / -0

Yep thought the same thing. They are using one of his election videos from a while back to explain the lock but I think its far more to do with the Chauvin trial. A lot of people are searching youtube for the trial and his opening video is chock full of red pills.

Workhorse101 10 points ago +10 / -0

Maybe go and watch Dinesh D'souza's movie about Obama to see why people think he's a communist or at the very least an anti white leftist agitator. None of which stops him from enriching himself.

Workhorse101 3 points ago +3 / -0

He was joking and nothing he said was illegal under the first amendment. If it was the fbi would have jumped at the chance to make an example of him.

Now if he said that in the UK then he probably would have been charged because the UK doesn't have a first amendment.

Workhorse101 10 points ago +10 / -0

The globalist controlled judges and lawyers are already lining up to take Trump down.

Welcome to the West's spin on CCP rule.

Workhorse101 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lol, you think if they hadn't had their protest that the election was going to be overturned?

Pence had already stabbed them in the back long before the protesters breached the police line.

Protest or no protest, the 6th was always going to be a formality of accepting the electors votes.

Workhorse101 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yep, I'm so over hearing this antifa BS. Its rampant on the main sub here. For weeks they've all been posting about the protest on the 6th and dragging the democrats and rinos out and carrying out public hangings.

Then they switch on a dime to this new BS narrative that it was Antifa.