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There's two surviving dogs. Something's up.
I just posted an update. No sign of a gas leak. Two dogs still alive and only one dead. Deaths considered "suspicious".
All three being found dead at the same time is very odd.
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The Critical Drinker lost any respect I might have had for him when he reviewed The Last of Us part 2 and suggested you weren't allowed to have an opinion on it unless you played it.
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I know some old jews are mockingly called liches, but I hadn't heard about this before today.
There are three possibilities.
They're either so stupid that they haven't figured out they're being conned after all this time or too young to figure out because their cowardly parents kept their mouths shut when it mattered.
They think they're going to be honored servants in the New Order.
They aren't actually White, but pretend to be when it suits their purposes.
What you want is The Punisher: MAX series issue #25. It will have a woman on the ground looking up at the Punisher on the cover with the tag line "The Slavers 1 of 6".
Be careful. There's a couple Punisher titles with the same name.
Hell if I know.
Back when kids cartoons didn't shy away from the fanservice.
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The OldUnreal guys made an agreement with Epic Games that allows them to make these installers that downloads the games.
There's no statement from Epic's side but OldUnreal confirmed they got the approval, isn't something that you just say out loud.
I still periodically go back and watch "Remember Halo".
Crowbcat is a genius. He never speaks, appears on camera, talks on social media or otherwise gives the people he's criticizing anything to latch on to. He just holds up a mirror and they can't stand the sight of their own faces.
Evan Royalty and his friends previously released high quality SCP fan films and, after a LOT of delays, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. film is finally out.
Full disclosure - I was one of the financial backers on Kickstarter.
Then there's this fan demo.
Where what? If you mean where the auctions are listed, it's the third link in my sources comment.
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