Trainborn5 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doctors are woke now. I lost all respect for them when, after telling everyone to stay home because they could die, approved of the Floyd protests. The medical society of my state said the protests were vital because “white supremacy and racism is more deadly than COVID19”

Trainborn5 6 points ago +6 / -0

I used to love Star Wars and Star Trek. Now they are woke garbage. They are rebooted only to take the iconic characters you loved as a kid, who happen to be white and male, and turn them into washed up losers decrying their unearned privilege while the female characters are like Superman in a world without kryptonite

Trainborn5 7 points ago +7 / -0

What bothers me is the woke stuff aimed at kids. I’m glad my kids were born in the 00’s. Sesame Street now has Elmo and his dad supporting BLM. Gay dads. The Rugrats turned a character into a lesbian who was not gay in the original. I watched the shows with my kids to filter the content. It has gotten worse now.