TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +5 / -12

What do you mean? I blocked people and I can still see everything the retards say. I think the block button only works on PMs.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +1 / -9

She was literally committed to an asylum.

Anyway, the reason I went with her is simple. If the feminist goal is to destroy the banking system, I must oppose that. Nothing good comes from them winning.

Also, as I said to the last "usury" idiot, interest is required to stop lending turning into a popularity contest.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +2 / -11

You also will pivot and circle the wagons to defend global finance capital on any subject other than feminism and tangential (according to your own warped logic) issues. You have no issue with it as a structure so your criticisms are hollow

So, because I don't want to tear the whole system down, I can't criticize it?

The only people who want to destroy the financial system entirely are lunatics. Valerie Solanas supported the idea.

TheImpossible1 -10 points ago +4 / -14

I don't understand how it's whiny. It's just a cheap shot at people obsessed with Japan here.

TheImpossible1 -11 points ago +2 / -13

It's just a funny title. I could just title it dryly "The Japanese obsession with ESG", but I like fun titles.

I just feel like if I'm going to put effort into researching things, it's only worth it if it is something people will actually read.

I feel like I've hit a wall here sometimes, that I need to find a larger community if I want to make long-form posts and gain traction with them.

The best way, I think, will be to post samples of the general framework and premise, see how people like it, then undertake the effort.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +4 / -16

I highly doubt the downvoter read the post in the time that took...God I'm sick of this.

You don't like my posts, post something useful. I'm the only one doing real research and putting real effort in, except for the guy who posts those huge lists of links.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +9 / -12

I had this thought when I was reading the anime post and l want to make a sort of "pilot" before I waste my time doing further research than what I've stumbled upon over my time of reading ESG reports.

Based Japan is a lie. People who think Japan is less bad than our culture either have a bizarre focus on race and "no black people in Japan lol" or they are massive weebs.

Allow me to explain

The systematically important financial institutions in Japan are :

Mitsubishi UFG

Mizuho Financial

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group. (pictured)

Below them is Nomura Securities, which is considered only locally important. I won't be talking about them.

What's interesting about Japan's banks is that they are disproportionately woke compared to systematically important banks in other countries.

Both SMFG and MUFG are active in the US markets, dealing in ESG loans, particularly those around gender based hiring. Trimble Inc's loan based off reducing male hiring is secured by both institutions.

That's two out of only three institutions in Japan considered systematically important that are dealing heavily in ESG.

Even Australia has only Commonwealth Bank and Westpac engage in these, out of their four institutions.

Is there enough interest for me to dig deeper?

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +1 / -6

I understand that, honestly.

I just kind of replaced that consuming with fighting the enemy harder. Not too good for my mental state, but distractions are for the weak.

TheImpossible1 -28 points ago +8 / -36

nearly all anime has female protagonists just as good as the men or better

hasn't bent the knee

Just because they make it sexy doesn't make it not feminist. See also Game of Thrones.

TheImpossible1 14 points ago +25 / -11

Women's ego is so fragile that cheaply made plastic garbage makes them worry if they compare unfavorably.

The answer is yes, by the way. The figurine that's made in China out of the cheapest plastics a factory can shit out is still a better way to spend your time and money than they are.

What next, ban funko pops because their eyes aren't as dead and unfeeling as a real woman's?

No, wait, I've got it. Ban refrigerators because only women should be allowed to be cold and expensive.

TheImpossible1 -9 points ago +7 / -16

I had a good analogy but I think it'll go over your head.

If a Nazi locks herself in the gas chamber while leading the prisoners in and then begs them to help, saying she'll spare them, only a fucking moron would help.

Or, for one that might be better for you...

If a Jewish woman encourages mass immigration and then she gets attacked by Islamists, only a moron would save her.

TheImpossible1 9 points ago +16 / -7

Don't you know? You have to film everything you do, even before personal filming was invented, otherwise women will destroy you if you get in their way.

TheImpossible1 -1 points ago +9 / -10

The very oppressed group that always wins their court cases unless the evidence is so stacked against them they have to lose to retain the illusion of justice existing.

When everyone who opposes you gets destroyed, you aren't oppressed. You're the oppressors.

TheImpossible1 -28 points ago +4 / -32

As I said, it's believable that someone who supports a feminist-adjacent movement would go postal.

It's never been more important to crush the pro-woman wing of the GOP.

TheImpossible1 -2 points ago +4 / -6

I could make a political manifesto. Who knows, maybe it'd catch on.

I'm obviously not going to shoot innocent people, I'll leave that to the TERFs and their fangirls.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +4 / -11

I'm waiting for the retards to go full simp to deny this one.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +2 / -6

MidJourney has prompt blocker in 5.1

The enemy is scared of competition, again.

TheImpossible1 8 points ago +15 / -7

autopsy found that Eric died of an oral overdose of fentanyl — with a level in his system that was five times the lethal dosage, according to the medical examiner.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +7 / -10

I'm so fucking shocked. Really. It's almost like women are [Deleted for Rule 16].

There's plenty of academic writings proving what kind of people they are.

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