TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +1 / -14

Remember when we had the ridiculous theories connecting the 2012 ceremony to the Covid pandemic?

I haven't watched this crap, I probably won't bother, but there's no deeper meaning. It's just flashy effects and massively overfunded egotists in charge. That's what an opening ceremony is. That's what they've always been. They're a giant stage show.

You'd find more deeper meaning in a Michael Bay movie...which reminds me, there's something I need to post.

TheImpossible1 -27 points ago +3 / -30

I think people are reading too much into what is basically a massively overfunded theater project.

TheImpossible1 -1 points ago +2 / -3

She's not "my girl", I don't follow everything she does.

I shared a few posts because I think her research is likely correct. That's it.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +2 / -6

your girl Loomer

Right, because sharing her information means I support her?

She has connections I don't. She managed to find out Brookings was tied to the Trump shooting (and also JD Vance...so what comes next)

I'm pretty sure her career launched from her failed run for office.

TheImpossible1 -1 points ago +1 / -2


Probably not, it's a stereotypically Jewish field. I have worked with more than a few Cohens and Rosenblatts. But it does give me access to inner workings of the system that others don't have.

Please explain how a Palestine victory and an openly terrorist state that has in their charter that they want to kill everyone who isn't Islamic, would help the world.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

Because it's someone being arrested for saying something extremely normie, because it happens to go against the prevailing view of the feminist establishment that controls the police.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Is this some kind of R16 bait?

Anti-Semites hate Jews because Jews are Jewish. That's it. There's no deeper line.

White men are discriminated against because they are men, not because they are white. If they were white and female, they would have no issue.

I know this to be factual from all the financial documents I've read.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +2 / -8

I didn't pass any comment, I just said that he was arrested because it's relevant.

I don't like Tommy Robinson because he knowingly platformed a prolific false rape accuser. I think his entire career is jumping from grift to grift.

TheImpossible1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes, the "Karen" meme is a release valve for all the societal anger at their class. It means nothing. Their interests are a high priority, and every corporate filing shows this. Companies that win awards for ESG are majority female and mostly white with a token black man. I think you forget that I have a financial background. I know what I'm talking about.

What would objectively prove it?

I'm not even going to respond to this absurdity.

It's ironic that your idea is basically a reverse Handmaid's Tale, and if I don't support being oppressed for not wanting to play happy families with the kill all men cult, I'm Jewish. Give me the fucking yarmulke then, it sounds like a better life than being a woman's slave.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +1 / -9

I watched the whole dumpster fire of a conference. Know your enemy and all that.

I didn't link it because I didn't have the archive saved. It was back in January!

The WEF have talked about restricting the rights of childless men even before that. The recent pitch for CBDCs was that they could be used to restrict porn, which would raise birth rates. They also talked about capping wallets based on how many kids you have (again, VERY natalist)

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +2 / -7

I wish. If I was paid to post here I could afford the treatment for the brain cancer dealing with your takes gives me.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +2 / -6

mass migration especially is simply the death throes of a state trying to keep itself alive because they know they've fucked up the demographics and generations so badly there's no coming back from the damage.

Nailed it. They deliberately import people from high birth rate nations in the hope it will somehow reverse the trend and keep the welfare Ponzi scheme running.

It makes so much sense compared to motives of maliciously trying to "replace" a certain group. The establishment and feminism are locked together due to the greed of the former and the malice of the latter, with the latter having too much power over the former to separate them.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

Breaking news, Trump is secretly Jewish because he also insults Islamic terrorist states.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +1 / -5

At the time of Davos 2024, he was in power.

There are plenty of WEF articles that contradict each other. Their website platforms all kinds of unhinged crap.

TheImpossible1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

you don't care about anti-white hate

Because anti-white is a misnomer and you know it. White women are the most privileged people on this fucking earth.

Mosley was a century ago

The last time white nationalism was relevant was a century ago. Hitler won with a majority female electorate. The only time your failed ideology wins is when all the young men are dead. Interesting, isn't it?

Sellner etc.

Peralta is more relevant than these people are. Also, even the moderate right is nearly entirely co-opted by women's lobbyists. Trump is the last politician on the right who doesn't seem to be in the pocket of the feminist lobby.

All the idiots cheering on the AfD will get a rude awakening, by the way.

Trump lost the vote of non-white men

Like everyone else in the GOP? For being people so obsessed with future trends, you don't seem to notice obvious ones. Non-white men are trending closer to the right every election. Women are shifting further and further left, and the only reason this isn't a bigger story is because of the propaganda pushed to explain it away.

Arbitrary standard you only apply against people you don't like

You mean like you only make ridiculous claims of secretly being Jewish against me?

Islam will end feminism but Zionism wouldn't

Islam will end anything that isn't Islam. But I'm not a feminist, I wouldn't burn down the world just to see my enemy suffer. Men will have far, far worse lives under an Islamic theocracy, "Islam is right about women" is just a meme, not a reality.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +2 / -10

But that's not what they're saying at their actual conference, where all the most important WEF members gather.

Random environmentalists given a platform to speak are not the inner circle of the WEF. That's Davos. That's what's said on that stage, on that day. And the overwhelming theme was the restriction of men's rights to push birth rates higher.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +2 / -8

He's not even in power anymore. Some awful coalition of all the leftist trash is, because people insisted on continuing to run that political failure Le Pen. She will never win anything, even fraud can't get her over the line.

When have I ever said I support the Israeli government? I just said I wanted the terrorists who use little boys as child soldiers to lose.

TheImpossible1 -1 points ago +1 / -2

What is "acting like a white man" exactly? Because I'm pretty sure most white men around my age would recoil at forced reconciliation with the feminist scum and having to accept their ill-gotten gains as "legitimate". People say Zionism will die with the boomers, but not as fast as "pro-family" BS will.

And Palliestine uses young boys as child soldiers. Again, lesser evils. It's why I use Microsoft services instead of Google.

Feminists don't hate White Nationalism. They voted for Oswald Mosley, the remnants of the WSPU even campaigned for him. It's a re-writing of history to say they don't love it. They still love it now - when they are in control of it. That's why the only White Nationalist shill touring Europe is Isabel Peralta, and why the people shilling it always stop short of calling out women. Let's be ideologically consistent here - if you actually stood for lower immigration, you have far more in common with the single childless men than you do with the women you defend so hard. The only conclusion of why your ideology refuses to acknowledge being pro-woman is an inherent flaw is that it's designed to be pro-woman and every other position is just to line up with that goal.

Look at Fuentes. Platformed for years, never once posted about women - until someone noticed and he made a random post about them to stop it showing up as no results.

DeSantis was always going to copy President Trump on everything other than what his handlers gave him. The feminists who are smart enough to know Islam will be their end as well as ours are not commendable. A broken clock is right twice a day.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +1 / -6

The Mossad made the order.

Jokes aside, there's a rule here where if you remove the offending post, you can be unbanned.

TheImpossible1 1 point ago +3 / -2

Think you'll find it's Eileen Getty, who has a VERY specific reason to be behind it.

Grandfather was an oil billionaire, refused to pay the ransom for her sibling. Sibling was abused by kidnappers and committed suicide.

Her end goal is to destroy everything he created.

Check the Climate Emergency Fund, I don't talk crap.

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