TheConservationist 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a great idea, thank you.

We're discussing it now among the mod team.

TheConservationist 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's fair.

I didn't really mean the visual part of the format growing on you, rather, the functionality.

When you're used to the .win network, at first the differences in functionality at FreeCanada can stand out a bit, but, as I've said, they grow on you. The learning curve isn't large.

Short of becoming a virtual clone of the .win network communities, in functionality, there will always exist some differences between the .win network and FreeCanada. And frankly, I've grown to prefer most of our functionality to the .win network.

I'm personally not a huge fan of the default colour styles (see my previous comments on this thread for more about that), it was initially chosen because people seem to like 'dark' themes over 'light' themes.

There are nine themes available. See here for visualization of where to make this change, and here and here to preview a snapshot of each of them.

TheConservationist 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's one of those things that you need to know where you're looking to do it.

It's at the bottom left of the page, press 'default' or 'FCW Midnight', will show a menu of the possible options. Select one, and it will switch you over.

See here for visualization. First comment by the thread OP.

We should make it more obvious to newcomers, and/or, change the default theme.

I've passed that idea along to the rest of the FreeCanada mod/admin team.

TheConservationist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another FreeCanada mod checking in.

I wasn't sure about the new format at first either. It quickly grows on you though. Especially with the improvements we have made in the past two months.

It's a simple thing, but I believe one of the most important features of our forum is the alert system (by default, you get notifications to threads you have previously posted in), coupled with, the default setting of threads being sorted by 'most recent activity'. It keeps discussion flowing on threads, which might have otherwise been buried by the 'new' or 'popular' threads.

If you decide to check it out again, here's a FAQ https://freecanada.win/threads/1090/ , and we can answer whatever other questions you may have.

TheConservationist 7 points ago +7 / -0

He's recently deleted his .win network account altogether over this.

TheConservationist 6 points ago +6 / -0

Another one of the FreeCanada mods checking in.

We upgraded from an older version of XenForo to the most recent version several weeks ago, as such, much of our design improved. We've also been adding some features, functionality, and creating new templates/styles as we go.

I personally don't like the default background style, but, a lot of people seem to prefer 'dark' themes to 'light' themes.

Most of the new themes are 'light' or 'semi-light'. There are nine now, and, more to come.

See here for how to change that (and preview the other styles):



TheConservationist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Another one of the FreeCanada mods checking in.

I personally don't like the default background style, but, a lot of people seem to prefer 'dark' themes to 'light' themes.

I'm probably going to bring it up to the rest of the mod/admin team soon, because the default theme was chosen when we only had three available (we now have nine).

Most of the new themes are 'light' or 'semi-light'.

See here for how to change that (and preview the other styles):



TheConservationist 10 points ago +10 / -0

He re-entered the building, with a camera on, after being denied a first time.

His message to go along with the video:

" So my girlfriend and I went to do some shopping at the Canadian Tire store at 1901 Eglinton Ave. East in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, on Friday, July 16 in the afternoon. I didn’t wear a mask because it’s against my human rights and confirmed on their store sign that they respect the human rights exemption of not wearing a mask. So I walked in because I was at a Canadian Tire store the other day at another location and had no issues. As I walk in, the security guard tried to get in my face. When I said I was exempt, he told me that I still had to leave or prove the exemption. I started saying how your sign shows that I am part of the exemption, but he didn’t care. I started getting louder so other people would witness. Then these two plainclothes guys start coming at me. Only one will to show me that he worked security with Canadian Tire, and his boss, who was the main instigator, refused to give his name or show credentials. So I ended up being pushed out. I had a smoke and then turned my camera on to talk again with them nicely. That’s when the shorter of the plain-clothed security came up to me and told me I was under arrest and then proceeded with the two other security to put their hands on me started wrapping my hand behind my back. They tried slamming me to the ground outside on the pavement. I wasn’t resisting, but they kept pushing harder and making all these accusations. They finally get the cuffs on me even though I wasn’t resisting and were still outside and not in the building anymore. They pull me into the office and then proceed to threaten me while I’m there. I asked them to loosen the cuffs since very tight. They even had one cuff with a long chain attached to a bench, and he refused to switch from the double cuff to the single cuff so I wouldn’t have my hands behind my back because, he said, he thought I would attack them. He also wouldn’t allow me to go to the bathroom unless four security guards came with me, and one was to be in the bathroom stall with me as well!

All I had done to this point was raise my voice. I Never touched any of them.

My girlfriend was trying to figure out what was going on and was trying to get to me; they started saying that they would arrest her for obstruction just because she was trying to make sure I was okay. My girlfriend, who had done nothing wrong, was even wearing a mask the whole time. They kept me in there until police arrived up about 4-5 hrs later, all the while toying with me and telling me they would charge me with assault, resisting arrest, trespassing and obstruction. Once the police officer arrived, he was shocked to see I was still in double handcuffs and could see how much pain I was in. He told them they needed to remove the cuffs immediately and that he couldn’t arrest me as it’s against the bylaw. I then said to the police officer that I wanted to press charges against the Canadian Tire plainclothes security officers for what they had done. The police officer then told me that there was nothing he could do due to the “State of Emergency” that we are in.

Canadian Tire and many other corporations feel that they have the power to do whatever they want to their customers, and from what I can see, the police can’t or won’t do anything. It’s clearly not right that these companies should have this much power over the police. It’s now been 24 hours, and my right thumb is still numb from how tight the handcuffs were. "

It looks like all of the previous incident videos from February 2021 were removed from Rumble in the past month or two.

It is still up on Odysee here and here.

TheConservationist 4 points ago +4 / -0



Found it here

TheConservationist 1 point ago +1 / -0

They also accomplish this by manipulating the PCR's and who gets tested.

The CDC dropped PCR thresholds to ~28 for vaccinated people, and, they now try to limit testing to only people with more severe cases of COVID (unlike before).

TheConservationist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hint: your username.

If memory serves correctly, the death was suspicious at the time.

We are dealing with some very corrupt people here. It would be a leap to say with confidence who was responsible, but, the connection to Fauci is curious. I would like to learn more about what happened there.

TheConservationist 30 points ago +30 / -0

Here are the highlights found in the Dr. Fauci email dump thus far:

  • Him ignoring an email about someone believing that it was an intentional release of the virus by the CCP, and, that it came from the lab
  • Him being thanked by someone who is now one of Biden's COVID advisors, for 'publicly denying the lab origins story' back in April 2020
  • Him being told by another scientist that the virus could have been engineered (he acknowledged that email)
  • Him being told how bad things were in China during mid-February (after this time, he still went on MSM and said that we probably don't have anything to worry about)
  • Some hints of him discussing gain-of-function with others in early-February 2020
  • Him telling one of Obama's advisors not to bother with masks (in early-February 2020), they don't work
  • Some hints of involvement with The Gates Foundation
  • Him discussing the COVID vaccine effort with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg back in February 2020, after which, he was still telling MSM that COVID isn't likely to be a big deal
  • Him discusssing the Moderna vaccine back in February 2020, prior to Trump's May 2020 annoucement for Operation Warp Speed
  • Him acknowledging someone's suggestion to be careful to not help Trump's re-election campaign
  • Him asking to call someone who had just told him that The W.H.O.'s Tedros is deciding whether he needs to be truthful or not (early-February 2020) & a ZeroHedge article about COVID possibly being a bioweapon that contains HIV. The next day, ZeroHedge was supposedly banned from Twitter.
  • Him replying to someone's email about hydroxychloroquine and anti-malaria drugs showing promise in Africa, effectively saying that "we don't know for sure if HCQ will help much or not yet, we'll see soon". This of course is likely a lie, given that Fauci was involved with publishing a paper 10-15 years ago about how HCQ works for SARS-1 (so, likely would have some positive effectt for SARS-2, aka, COVID)
  • Him replying to someone mentioning that HCQ looks promising in China, back in mid-March 2020
  • Him forwarding an email in March 2020 about how a great many of the deaths in Italy were of people who had comorbidities.
  • Him telling someone that most of the spread of COVID is by symptomatic people, rather than, asymptomatic people (in February 2020).

In summary, he's partially or fully implicated in: gain-of-function, lab origins of COVID, the mask hoax, the vaccine development, covering up HCQ's effectiveness, covering up how bad it was in China early on (thus letting it spread more easily to The West), meddling in the 2020 US election campaign, and, possibly tied to censorship by Facebook + Twitter.

Worth noting, Dr. Fauci signed a book deal recently (the details of this were released in the past few days), which is could be a bribe/pay-out of some sort.

TheConservationist 34 points ago +34 / -0

Cannot add much more to the above list (some sort of word limit), will add a few here.

#23: Dr. Fauci is emailed about light acting as a disinfectant. He acknowledged the email.

See the comment here, and/or, pages 1973 & 3113.

#24: Someone emails Dr. Fauci to inform him that a SARS drug has been shown by German scientists to kill COVID in a petri dish. Dr. Fauci appears to ignore this email.

See the comment here, and/or, page 2210.

#25: Dr. Fauci was asked by at least two different people in mid-March 2020 about whether there should only be a limited lockdown for just the most vulnernable population (e.g., elderly people, immunocompromised). For one of the emails, Dr. asked someone else to answer this email for him.

See the thread here at Patriots, and the link to Citizen Free Press therein.

See also the comment here, and/or, pages 2212-2213.

#26 & #27: Dr. Fauci is asked in mid-March 2020 by an assistant attorney general of New York & Oregon about hydroxychloroquine showing promise in China. Dr. Fauci forwards the email to someone else. In another email, Dr. Fauci is asked whether his researchers are looking into Chloroquine (related to HCQ), mid-March 2020. Dr. Fauci does not appear to reply.

See the thread here for more details, and/or, page 2077.

And see the comment here, and/or, page 2283.

#28: Dr. Fauci gets a slap on the wrist (and gives an apology of sorts) for bringing attention to the fact that the first case in the US was a Chinese man. This occured back in late-February 2020.

See the thread here at Patriots for more details.

#29, #30, #31: Someone informs Dr. Fauci in March 2020 that they believe COVID arrived in the US by the end of 2019 (Dr. Fauci forwards the email to someone else and asks them to respond), some proposes an idea like contact tracing to Dr. Fauci back in March 2020, someone compares COVID to the Swine Flu in mid-March 2020 (making the just-started lockdown policies look rather dumb).

See the comment here, and/or, pages 2280, 2271, and, 2234.

#32: Dr. Fauci, in-early March 2020, emails someone telling them to relay a message on to the rabbi to cancel their services.

See the comment here, and/or, page 11.

#33: Dr. Fauci knew in March 2020 that the there was a very high comorbidity rate for the people who were dying in Italy.

See the post here, which links to a Gateway Pundit article.

#34: Dr. Fauci knew in Fabruary 2020 that most of the spread of COVID was by symptomatic people, rather than, asymptomatic people.

See the post here.

#35: Bing Liu, UPitt Researcher who was working on COVID, who was killed in a murder-suicide May 4th 2020, emailed Dr. Fauci two months prior to her death (mostly redacted). Wonder what that email was about.

See comment here.

#36+: Will add better descriptions for these later today.

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4e25/fauci-knew-it-could-be-the-flufu/c/ (flu vs. COVID, page 669)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4dy0/peter-daszaks-email-to-fauci-con/c/ (Daszak might be under investigation based on redaction codes, requires more vetting)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4dpj/fauci-was-upset-with-desantis-fo/c/ (Fauci upset at DeSantis for keeping things open, id-March 2020)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4Mme/in-this-email-tony-fauci-confirm/c/ (same email as previous, another point raised, Trump did all he could to help logistically with PPE and the such)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4N7J/here-we-go-white-house-staff-rep/c/ (whitehouse looking to distance themselves from Fauci)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4Mqt/entire-fauci-email-drop-in-pdf-a/c/ (email files compressed, PDF and TXT)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4Mmj/fauci-letter-observation-zero-me/c/ (another look at the email with Sylvia, not focusing on the masks, rather, the lack of mention of therapeautics)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4Mid/fauci-emails-show-nih-director-h/c/ (analysis of the emails ... Fauci had real no checks and balances, aside from maybe his handle)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f4MeW/feb-2020--pence-and-fauci-were-t/c/ (another email informing Fauci about HCQ, late-February 2020, as well as, Mike Pence)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f45ji/page-712-fauci-emails---a-guy-na/ (someone calls out Fauci)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f3oxA/zuckerberg-contacting-fauci-to-o/c/ (Zuckerberg offering censorship to Fauci)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f3GvE/jeffrey-sachs-email-to-fauci-in-/c/ (talking about vaccine development early March 2020)

https://patriots.win/p/12ih9f2zfs/since-the-covid19-corona-virus-b/c/ (another person pointing out that COVID appears to be bio-engineered, March 2020)

TheConservationist 4 points ago +4 / -0

The way he described it in the interview, when you get a typical vaccine, like a flu vaccine, the small dose of the virus remains in the muscle tissue of your shoulder. Expanding from that premise, I would assume that for such a vaccine, it wouldn't matter if the virus was localized or across the entire body (via the bloodstream), your body will recognize it as a threat, fight it, develop anti bodies, which lasts beyond the virus being in your body (hence natural immunity).

There might be risks for the flu vaccine to introduce flu virus into the bloodstream, perhaps with the brain-blood barrier. Not sure.

The professor is claiming that this is meant to also be the case for the mRNA vaccines by the sounds of it. It's meant to be localized to your muscle in your shoulder. My educated guess (which I would like the verify or prove false later) is that the mRNA vaccine would then release spike proteins in that localized area (or was meant to), your body was meant to learn to fight those, and so forth.

And yeah, you make a good point about J&J vs. the mRNA jab. It seems to me that the mRNA jabs pose a greater risk, given the unknown medical technology.

On a related note, he has begun releasing some of the files. See above for the links.

TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds vaguely familiar. With that said, all roads lead back to the mRNA vaccines, at least in Canada. They want us to have rather than AZ or J&J.

On a related note, the professor has begun releasing some of the files. See above for the links.

TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Found this in the comment section of that tweet:



Apparently she has made note of China's CO2 emissions. Would be interesting to see if she has done it often, though.

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