TheConservationist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I generally like the idea.

Though, wouldn't this result in a lot of data stored on your phone or laptop?

I used to archive tonnes of webpages, saved as PDFs, which took a surprisingly large amount of space.

TheConservationist 0 points ago +1 / -1

This sounds like a mistake.

I disagree. Time will tell. We'll adjust as need be.

... then got greedy.

I think keeping freecanads.win is a selfish move that won't be good long-term.

I'm genuinely curious. How do you figure?

Freecanada.win only grows because of this community.

While much of our community is the result of the WIN network, it isn't exclusively from the WIN network. We've had a few bumps of members from a few other places, as well.

It seems like you're getting good growth now because of the election but after, the community will fade and if OmegaCanada dies, there won't be people posting in other communities to join freecanada.win. It'll start to die too.

Maybe. Again, we'll see how it comes, and take it from there.

You should reconsider and come back.

No option is off the table.

Well, aside from Reddit, of course.

At the end of the day, the most important thing are the people voicing their thoughts and sharing important news.

Partially agreed.

What you fail to recognize in what we have in the community vibe, way better than what was/is at Omega. And that's not just because of a lack of Ham (though it certainly helps).

Part of forum structure helps build a certain familiarity. A recent newcomer has quickly picked up on this, and said so much here, for example.

If anything, the way they handled Ham should reflect good on you. You know your community won't be taken from you by the admins and you have full control over the community as if it were separate and your own.

That doesn't reflect good or bad on us.

That aside, you do have a solid point here.

TheConservationist 0 points ago +1 / -1

You told me to erase my comment, deleted it when I refused and banned me when I complained about it. Why would I believe anything you say?

You can literally go through the thread and read it all yourself.


The bloody thing is 3 pages long.

That doesn't happen in a few minutes of back-and-forth.

You were shitting on us for a day before we had enough and banned you.

Just fuck off and die.

Yup. This reveals a tonne about you.

TheConservationist 1 point ago +2 / -1

I said they were savages that belonged in the zoo.


I reposted my comment.

After freaking out about it and having already made the grief thread.

And your re-post wasn't simply a re-post, you upped the ante, made it even worse than before. Before you were singling out a single black person, the re-post was about many more, and using tranq's to do it.

Then you banned me after I made the post complaining about the censorship.

After a full day of you ranting about it, and, the majority of the community being against you. You seem to conveniently forget that part.

I'm not lying.

Yes, you are. Pathologically, at that.

Above you just said that wasn't you, and now you're admiting to it. Don't bother deleting or editing either, I've already screen shot it.

Your lies are all captured in the threads we've linked above, and the catbox screenshots shared above.

TheConservationist 3 points ago +5 / -2

Ha. Liar. I can show the logs that it is.

You're so busted.


(Also note that moments later, he admits that it was him here. The guy has some serious issues).

TheConservationist 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. Stop lying. https://files.catbox.moe/ux2pwa.png . HamPegsGunner = you, after you requested the username change. (Will be removing that catbox link in 24-48 hrs).

  2. Stop lying. Again.

TheConservationist 8 points ago +8 / -0

Few reasons.

  1. We like what we have created, our community is great, our forum continues to improve ... there are some features of the .win forum style I would like to eventually include, though, we also have some unique ones of our own which helps it run well

  2. We had already spent quite a bit of time/money/effort by the time the offer was made

  3. Speaking for myself and not the other mods/admins on this one, the .win network management's handling of Ham (read: lack-thereof), and, the way they handled us (read: ignored, deflected) gave me pause about re-joining them here

TheConservationist 9 points ago +9 / -0

We were offered a place, after 2+ months of being ignored.

All good though.

We've built something we like ourselves.

TheConservationist 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nah, that's just JP mis-remembering. We've had a few people ask for account deletions.

You were banned, after being a huge piece of work.

I remember us asking you politely to remove/rewrite a post.

This part is accurate.

TheConservationist 3 points ago +4 / -1
  1. We showed screenshots of it to members who wanted to see it. We still have those screenshots, if ever needed.

  2. That was already covered in the mega spez-spaz-grief thread you began. But hey, if you want to keep living in the past, you're free to continue being an idiot.

TheConservationist 4 points ago +5 / -1

Aren't much better eh? You're so messed in the head if you think we're anything like Ham.


Judge for yourselves, everyone else.

TheConservationist 5 points ago +7 / -2

Funny. Coming from the guy who advocated for tranq'ing black people and putting them in cages.

You're a real pillar of moral authority.



TheConservationist 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a great idea, thank you.

We're discussing it now among the mod team.

TheConservationist 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's fair.

I didn't really mean the visual part of the format growing on you, rather, the functionality.

When you're used to the .win network, at first the differences in functionality at FreeCanada can stand out a bit, but, as I've said, they grow on you. The learning curve isn't large.

Short of becoming a virtual clone of the .win network communities, in functionality, there will always exist some differences between the .win network and FreeCanada. And frankly, I've grown to prefer most of our functionality to the .win network.

I'm personally not a huge fan of the default colour styles (see my previous comments on this thread for more about that), it was initially chosen because people seem to like 'dark' themes over 'light' themes.

There are nine themes available. See here for visualization of where to make this change, and here and here to preview a snapshot of each of them.

TheConservationist 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's one of those things that you need to know where you're looking to do it.

It's at the bottom left of the page, press 'default' or 'FCW Midnight', will show a menu of the possible options. Select one, and it will switch you over.

See here for visualization. First comment by the thread OP.

We should make it more obvious to newcomers, and/or, change the default theme.

I've passed that idea along to the rest of the FreeCanada mod/admin team.

TheConservationist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another FreeCanada mod checking in.

I wasn't sure about the new format at first either. It quickly grows on you though. Especially with the improvements we have made in the past two months.

It's a simple thing, but I believe one of the most important features of our forum is the alert system (by default, you get notifications to threads you have previously posted in), coupled with, the default setting of threads being sorted by 'most recent activity'. It keeps discussion flowing on threads, which might have otherwise been buried by the 'new' or 'popular' threads.

If you decide to check it out again, here's a FAQ https://freecanada.win/threads/1090/ , and we can answer whatever other questions you may have.

TheConservationist 7 points ago +7 / -0

He's recently deleted his .win network account altogether over this.

TheConservationist 6 points ago +6 / -0

Another one of the FreeCanada mods checking in.

We upgraded from an older version of XenForo to the most recent version several weeks ago, as such, much of our design improved. We've also been adding some features, functionality, and creating new templates/styles as we go.

I personally don't like the default background style, but, a lot of people seem to prefer 'dark' themes to 'light' themes.

Most of the new themes are 'light' or 'semi-light'. There are nine now, and, more to come.

See here for how to change that (and preview the other styles):



TheConservationist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Another one of the FreeCanada mods checking in.

I personally don't like the default background style, but, a lot of people seem to prefer 'dark' themes to 'light' themes.

I'm probably going to bring it up to the rest of the mod/admin team soon, because the default theme was chosen when we only had three available (we now have nine).

Most of the new themes are 'light' or 'semi-light'.

See here for how to change that (and preview the other styles):



TheConservationist 10 points ago +10 / -0

He re-entered the building, with a camera on, after being denied a first time.

His message to go along with the video:

" So my girlfriend and I went to do some shopping at the Canadian Tire store at 1901 Eglinton Ave. East in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, on Friday, July 16 in the afternoon. I didn’t wear a mask because it’s against my human rights and confirmed on their store sign that they respect the human rights exemption of not wearing a mask. So I walked in because I was at a Canadian Tire store the other day at another location and had no issues. As I walk in, the security guard tried to get in my face. When I said I was exempt, he told me that I still had to leave or prove the exemption. I started saying how your sign shows that I am part of the exemption, but he didn’t care. I started getting louder so other people would witness. Then these two plainclothes guys start coming at me. Only one will to show me that he worked security with Canadian Tire, and his boss, who was the main instigator, refused to give his name or show credentials. So I ended up being pushed out. I had a smoke and then turned my camera on to talk again with them nicely. That’s when the shorter of the plain-clothed security came up to me and told me I was under arrest and then proceeded with the two other security to put their hands on me started wrapping my hand behind my back. They tried slamming me to the ground outside on the pavement. I wasn’t resisting, but they kept pushing harder and making all these accusations. They finally get the cuffs on me even though I wasn’t resisting and were still outside and not in the building anymore. They pull me into the office and then proceed to threaten me while I’m there. I asked them to loosen the cuffs since very tight. They even had one cuff with a long chain attached to a bench, and he refused to switch from the double cuff to the single cuff so I wouldn’t have my hands behind my back because, he said, he thought I would attack them. He also wouldn’t allow me to go to the bathroom unless four security guards came with me, and one was to be in the bathroom stall with me as well!

All I had done to this point was raise my voice. I Never touched any of them.

My girlfriend was trying to figure out what was going on and was trying to get to me; they started saying that they would arrest her for obstruction just because she was trying to make sure I was okay. My girlfriend, who had done nothing wrong, was even wearing a mask the whole time. They kept me in there until police arrived up about 4-5 hrs later, all the while toying with me and telling me they would charge me with assault, resisting arrest, trespassing and obstruction. Once the police officer arrived, he was shocked to see I was still in double handcuffs and could see how much pain I was in. He told them they needed to remove the cuffs immediately and that he couldn’t arrest me as it’s against the bylaw. I then said to the police officer that I wanted to press charges against the Canadian Tire plainclothes security officers for what they had done. The police officer then told me that there was nothing he could do due to the “State of Emergency” that we are in.

Canadian Tire and many other corporations feel that they have the power to do whatever they want to their customers, and from what I can see, the police can’t or won’t do anything. It’s clearly not right that these companies should have this much power over the police. It’s now been 24 hours, and my right thumb is still numb from how tight the handcuffs were. "

It looks like all of the previous incident videos from February 2021 were removed from Rumble in the past month or two.

It is still up on Odysee here and here.

TheConservationist 4 points ago +4 / -0



Found it here

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