Telia 11 points ago +15 / -4

Hitler and the NSDAP never once called themselves "the master race". That propaganda that they did , was pure projection coming from zionists that call themselves "god's chosen people"

Telia 16 points ago +18 / -2

You mean it as a joke, but i dont see why not. If Mongolians can have statues of Genghis khan than Germany should be allowed to name things Uncle Adolf

Telia 3 points ago +3 / -0

why do JIDF always start resorting to perverted insults when they lose an argument? get rid of your porn addiction its not healthy for you

Telia 5 points ago +5 / -0

HAHHAHAHAHA keep seething JIDF

I love America and Europe, that's why i want to remove all foreigners from America and Europe. That's why i dont want America and Europe to be shabbos goys anymore. Thats why i want duel citizenship israelis to leave.

Telia 28 points ago +30 / -2

Good. it was only named that way to push more German guilt in the first place.

But i disagree with needing it "diverse", instead it should be renamed to a proper German name and a proper German hero.

Telia 8 points ago +8 / -0

"muh stormfags" define stormfag for me. Someone who doesnt like jews? that's Europeans for majority of history. Someone who is a White nationalist ? that is also Europeans for most of history.

So you hate European people who love themselves and dont like jews? thats not my problem JIDF

And Israel does not provide water to Palestine(unless you count poisoned water that you "gracefully" allow through). You israelis have been destroying all of Palestine's water sources and stopping anyone else from helping them.

Telia 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hi JIDF handshake account. Shouldnt you be busy murdering more Palestinian babies and calling everyone nazis or something? Oh sorry its "stormfag" that you guys like to go with around here

Telia 3 points ago +3 / -0

Civic nationalism is fine. Who complains about it?

i complain about it. No one ever thought civic nationalism was fine, throughout history pretty much everyone used to be ethno nationalists until coincidently around the time jews started getting more political power.

If you want to complain about muslims in the West, then complain about zionists creating wars in the middle east thus creating refugees, and then j.ewish NGO groups moving those refugees to Europe

Telia 20 points ago +20 / -0

have you ever seen German NSDAP speeches and videos? i have never heard anything this psychotic from a German NSDAP speech or video even though they have always been called the "most evil monsters" by everyone.

Telia 11 points ago +17 / -6

Ben Shapiro is psychotic why is he still allowed on youtube? people have been kicked off of youtube for way less than this

Israel has destroyed the main water supply for 2 million Gaza residents btw and stopping anyone from helping with their blockades.

Telia 12 points ago +12 / -0

Lol so its about a mixed race person discriminated against by the Japanese for being mixed and also about killing White people. So its anti White and anti Japanese at the same time

Telia 22 points ago +23 / -1

You still havent told me why the American government is full of duel citizenship israelis https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1715370158036836363 but the israeI government is not full of American Christians

No matter how you try to twist and turn about it, the fact of the matter is you defend israeI as an ethno state but you are against other countries being ethno states

Telia 17 points ago +21 / -4


You're a civnat until we start asking why IsraeI is allowed to be called a "jewish state" and why israel gives automatic citizenship to anyone of jewish genetics, and why israeI's government isnt full of American Christians but America's government is full of duel citizenship israeIis

Telia 22 points ago +23 / -1

if that is the case, then jews dont need to be doing such things do they? Why do they need to fake it if its "already a thing"? Its not just this there's already been tons of situations of them also painting swastikas on their own synagogues or living spaces and pretending to be discriminated against until the security camera found out they did it to themselves.

Telia 12 points ago +15 / -3

created by (((Michael Green))) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Green_(writer)

Every Single Time

Oh and she's not just a minority she's a "poor discriminated against minority" in Japan

Telia 3 points ago +3 / -0

lol i unrolled two threads using that website, and then when i went to try a 3rd one i found out they changed the policy so only premium members can unroll now

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