Spacestar_Ordering 11 points ago +12 / -1

I'm not either of these sides, but they both seem clinically retarded. Though there's a whole lot more on the left. Blueanon is the norm on the left, while on the right, Q is a small fraction of idiot boomers.

Spacestar_Ordering 23 points ago +23 / -0

I recall them losing their shit because President Trump blocked someone on Twitter. Then a year and a half later, Twitter repeatedly censors President Trump, eventually banning him.

Spacestar_Ordering 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, but it's not always just crazy coincidence if a person's correct, when they used a fallacy. Lines of thinking that are fallacies, such as slippery slope, are very valuable in debate, even if they aren't appropriate in writing the conclusion for a scientific paper or a judge writing their verdict.

Spacestar_Ordering 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sheep/normies/NPCs have no idea what a logical fallacy is. They think it means something is wrong, and whatever the opposite of the person using the fallacy was arguing must be true. It's very similar to their total lack of understand as to what science is, despite them claiming the word as theirs and constantly exclaiming they believe in science to signal they think anyone who disagrees with them must be "unscientific".

A logical fallacy just means the logic of the argument is not sound. Meaning it's not absolute. There can be exceptions. The only place citing something as a logical fallacy is appropriate is an academic paper or a court of law. Colloquially, many lines of thought, slippery slopes included, are completely reasonable and useful to use. But just like these people have this warped view of the word science, they have a warped view of logical fallacies, and if they see a line of thinking that in a scientific paper or court of law constitutes a logical fallacy, they 'sperg out, pointing to it, believing whoever used it has been somehow proven wrong.

The reality is, most of the logical fallacies exist in the first place because they often hold true, but are not absolute, therefore not appropriate for places such as a court of law or a scientific paper where claims are expected to be absolute.

Spacestar_Ordering 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know damn well how.

The internet is exposing people to the biggest red-pill in the world and they are in panic mode. The degeneracy is going into overdrive, just like the censorship is, just like the absurdity memes are (eg. impossible to be racist towards white people, etc). They know time is short.