SilverCoyote 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I was looking into the props to inform myself, I found this convenient page with a summary of Prop 209 in 1996 + relevant data(Prop 16 passing would have repealed 209):

California Proposition 209, Affirmative Action Initiative (1996)

According to the site, Prop 209 banned "discrimination against/preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin". In other words, equality. It makes you think, you'd have to be some kind of racist to vote against this right?

With that in mind, take a look at the data table right under the election results. It shows L.A. exit poll data from a survey of ~2500 voters, with percentages of votes for/against Prop 209 according to each group of demographics.

Now, people vote with their own interests in mind(and they should), so it's interesting to see which demographic groups believed that they would benefit from equal treatment, and which demographic groups believed that equal treatment would be a detriment.

(I'll give you a hint, it's exactly what you'd think it'd be)

SilverCoyote 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, red pills at their most basic form just mean "stone-cold reality" right? If you want to have a red-pilled story, you want to stay far away from the usual rainbows and unicorns in fantasies. You have to show how harsh and unforgiving real life actually is (hero doesn't always win, people actually die, people are always sefish, etc.). It's red pills like these which makes the A Song of Ice & Fire series so refreshing.