Piroko 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sāikō Brandon!

Piroko 4 points ago +5 / -1

I think you're grossly underestimating the appeal of what would essentially be a headless version of discord.

Piroko 6 points ago +8 / -2

There's win admins.

Don't be lazy and use someone else's site.

There's hosters.

Don't be cheap and use someone else's server.

There's domain registrars.

Okay DNS is kinda foundational but strictly speaking it isn't an absolute necessity.

If you put me to the task of building a system that's beyond the reach of SJWs to take down, it would probably be built on a combination of torrent and blockchain technology.

You could build a blockchain based BBS, as long as you could acclimate people to the problem of eventual consistency.

You would essentially be going back to the old days of usenet news, except based on torrent instead of UUCP.

Piroko 23 points ago +23 / -0

Take it for what it is.

It's a flattering caricature. Those sunglasses...

Piroko -17 points ago +1 / -18

Popular & well respected mangaka

Kentaro Miura

Is that supposed to be a joke?

Piroko 7 points ago +7 / -0

If it was straightforward then it would be still with us today.

Y'know what has a straightforward system?

Iron Kingdoms RPG

Piroko 17 points ago +17 / -0

no ponderous combat system

Then what the fuck was to hit armor class zero.

Piroko -4 points ago +1 / -5

So as I said, you're an unprincipled realpolitiking hypocrite.

Says one thing, does another.

Piroko 23 points ago +23 / -0

Cows were brought over. The northern natives never made any attempt to domesticate buffalo. The southern natives domesticated llamas and alpacas but they produce less milk for their weight so if it was used in pre-columbian cuisine it likely wouldn't have been a staple food.

Piroko 27 points ago +28 / -1

We probably shouldn't celebrate this.

Well I'm going to anyway.

Piroko 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nothing after season 3 of Voyager matters.


Except for the Captain Proton episodes. And I'll admit that Shran was pretty awesome; too bad he wasn't in DS9 instead.

Piroko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which is why it was shot down.

Now, imagine if they had used their talents to produce something entirely new.

Piroko 19 points ago +19 / -0

Y'know, I really can't tell which side is slumming it here.

Piroko 7 points ago +7 / -0

EVE Online. It's my go-to game for a bit of space trucking and pirate blasting if I have literally nothing else to do.

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

You cannot compete with things like


TI, I think I'm zeroing in on the problem in your thinking.

Have you ever heard of Dominic Cellini? He's a children's book illustrator. When I first ran across his art he had a few thousand followers on Instagram. Now he has 200k followers and his character Emmy the Robot Maid is the informal mascot of /k. I think he's working on a printed version, and possibly an anime. As far as I can tell, the entirety of his success hinged on having an interesting character and posting it on 4chan/c.

To you, this is immaterial. The idea that someone could self-make a media franchise with potential value in the hundreds of thousands or low millions is of no consequence because it has no societal impact.

You're impatient. You're not trusting in the consumer. You're not confident in the products you would offer. And more than anything else, YOU'RE USING OTHERS TO MEASURE YOUR OWN SUCCESS.

Successful people don't do that.

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

making animation is not the same as making an actual movie

You're right. It's harder than making a movie. But as Tatsuki demonstrates, you can almost do it as a one-man-band (if you have a psychotic work ethic and cut corners like a chinese factory).

normie social media

You only need 4chan. Everything else is gravy and if you've got something good enough, everything else will fall in line.

Piroko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, since you lack the imagination, I'm going to spell it out for you. Let's suppose you want to create an anime.

We use the Little Witch Academia model.

Step 1: Create an OVA episode with no expectation to be paid. Distribute it on all mediums. The objective here is not money, it's just to show what you are capable of delivering and to build interest.

Step 2: Go to a RELIABLE crowd sourcing system and pitch a follow-on. Get money.


Step 4: Give it away on bittorrent.

Step 5: Sell official merch.


YOUR PROBLEM TI is that you, like the RIAA and MPAA, is that you think the objective is to GET PERSON TO GIVE YOU MONEY FOR A THING YOU'VE MADE (past tense). This is old world thinking. It's a dying model of business that's inflexible; it CREATES the very stodginess you (and I) see as a problem.

The future is to frontload development costs by crowdsourcing, and then like Lucas, relying on merchandise. The days of tickets and SKUs and residuals ARE OVER. That's the past. The big players are still around but they are dinosaurs and they are dying. That model is failing because the stakes have become so high (to them) that marketing has become the biggest expense (to ensure that targets are hit). It's like the problem of rockets getting bigger; you need to carry more fuel to carry more fuel. The cost of marketing has run away from the cost of production.

The new way is frontloading of effort to build interest and then crowdsourcing the heavy costs (and thus knowing WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO DO). But the caveat is that you have to actually work your ass off to deliver. You can't just Cloud Imperium it (although as Cloud Imperium demonstrates, I guess maybe you can).

Piroko 1 point ago +1 / -0

methods also rely on the collaboration of enemy leaders

No, they don't. Jesus, you're like my boss who thinks REST is newfangled bleeding edge and that we should stick with EJBs.

Piroko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck fandom.

Seriously, fuck fandom.

With all seriousness, I think one of, if not the, worst mistake of western civilization was the invention of copyright. It was a mistake, it should never have been invented, the very concept of intellectual property should never have crossed the line into fiction and music and art. It should have remained in the realm of patents and trademarks and the creative endeavors should have been left on the level of minstrelsy in the eyes of the law.

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