Jacobites 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. I believe the idea started due to Rudi Dutschkes idea of the ‘Long March Through the Institutions’ but found its route in thanks to Paolo Freire’s book Pedagogy of the Oppressed - a book which opened up a new branch of Critical Theory called Critical Pedagogy. Perhaps the Critical Theory whose name is the least attention getting of them all, but which is undoubtedly the most insidious of the lot and the one which makes all the other marches through the institutions possible.

Jacobites 6 points ago +6 / -0

What’s more, objective truth and objective facts are, in a literal sense, devalued. In their stead stands the narrative-based Lived Experience and subjective truth.

If you remember during the MeToo movement there was a slogan or hashtag #BelieveAllWomen.

That was a prelude of what was to come - the replacement of objective truth with subjective ‘truth’ in which all that is required in order to render someone guilty is an accusation, much like the witch trials of old. This is why their concept of justice always has that qualifier ‘social’, because they employ the Oppressed/Oppressor distinction you mentioned above. Social justice is really just a thinly veiled synonym for what they view as ‘historical vengeance’.

Crazy times indeed

Jacobites 5 points ago +5 / -0

They really shouldn’t focus solely on CRT but on the wider Critical Theory movement that is absolutely everywhere. CRT is only one branch of it. There’s Third wave Feminism and women’s Studies, Critical Gender Theory, Queer Theory, Postcolonialism, Critical Pedagogy et al, all wielding a parasitic influence over society. The rainbow crew, the BLM/AntiFa crew and the teachers have all been drinking from the same ideological fountain - Marxism via Critical Theory. They are all part of the same big cult.

Jacobites 25 points ago +25 / -0

the guy has purple hair which, as we know, is the uniform of the rainbow people/BLM/vaccinated/marxist globalist weirdos.

He was a kamikaze pilot sacrificing himself to aid the instigation of societal implosion, just like his Euros compatriot Brad Pretty.

Here he is with yellow hair: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9971097/Football-fan-43-posted-racist-abuse-England-lost-Euro-2020-final-spared-jail.html

And here he is with purple hair: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/football-fan-spared-jail-after-posting-racist-comments-online-at-euro-2020/ar-AAOeCMP?ocid=BingNewsSearch

Here's Brad Pretty LARPing as an England fan. Notice the DIY facepaint job - what, just to stay home and film yourself going on a rant?

Notice how his friends say he's never even been to a football match.

Notice how they also chuck in 'COVID conspiracist'
