Daniel644 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm delusional for pointing out verifiable FACTS??????


Daniel644 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know what they use as justification that he's right wing? a single Photo of him sitting at a table with some proud boys and him not looking happy to be their.

Daniel644 1 point ago +2 / -1

well anyone thats not a far left communist is a "right winger" to those people, so him still being a capitalist and not as insane as them is why they call him that, the difference is I cite specific sources of how he lets left wing people like Vaush spew hate speech and lies for 3 hours uninterrupted while constantly interrupting the right leaning guests constantly shows a clear political bias that is undeniable, while they just say things with no evidence.

Daniel644 2 points ago +4 / -2

Why does anyone still watch the grifter Pim Tool? dude claims to be a centrist, abhors the Death Penalty but supports the MURDERING OF UNBORN BABIES, gives a platform to left wing nazi's like Vausch and the "Black Guns Matter" dude who he allows to walk over over him and spread left wing verifiable LIES but then when he lets a "right wing" guy on like the Proud Boys dude he constantly interupts and tells them they are wrong and won't let them speak (note his Vaush and the other left wing guests end up running like an extra HOUR or more past the normal run time), it is clear where his loyalties lie, remember he THANKED YOUTUBE for pulling down his Alex Jones episode, ASSHOLE SUPPORTS CENSORSHIP.

Daniel644 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah, saw that and felt lefty shit was coming.

Daniel644 1 point ago +1 / -0

what alternative is there? can't use Google, MSN, Yahoo and now DuckDuckGo

Daniel644 8 points ago +8 / -0

DIE, they will be the first to jump off the roof tops, only to be saved by the suicide nets the CCP has installed around the building.

Daniel644 8 points ago +8 / -0

no matter how much Blow he does off other dudes dicks or russian hookers he fucks or god knows what is on those laptops he keeps losing. I mean fuck could you imagine if just 1 of these things they had video evidence of one of the Trump kids doing.

Daniel644 5 points ago +5 / -0

we call that "Safe Space Mode", it's for Twitter LOSER MORONS that can't handle people calling them out, unfortunate came to late to save my account from telling that WHORE Alyssa Milano that Abortion was fucking murder whether she liked it or not. and NO i'm not joking, I screenshotted my BAN https://imgur.com/a/RCLztht I know it says a 7 day suspension, but it never came back from that, a day or so later I got perma banned.