DZP1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Let them step onto the wrong property, one with the no trespassing signs, and receive the blessing of Ralph the pitbull.

You know, Halloween candy comes in lemon, lime, and .308 lead flavors.

DZP1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hi. Welcome to Commie City, Oregon. If you're a white male adult, turn around and leave. We love LGBTQ presidents like Obama but screw the white patriarchy. Defund the police but ignore our new murder rate. Enjoy our delicious soy lattes.

DZP1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look. it was just an honest error where the Dem candidate had 128% more votes and the opponent had -16% and Hillary's opponent suicided by jumping from a sealed 16th floor window onto some bullets.

DZP1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup. And DC needlessly made the first Green Lantern come out of the closet, made a gay Flash, bi Wonder Woman and apparently John Constantine, made a black adolescent Green Lantern with an attitude problem, has switched the main Lantern to being a black guy (he's been one in animation for awhile anyway), turned many female characters into man-intolerant lesbians, and much more.

I really doubt that teenage boys are going to pick up comics in order to enjoy twinks, dykes, and BBC, so where's the revenue going to come from, DC? Shitty movies? And comics shops are dying, last year killed many off.

I don't read mainstream comics anymore. especially avoid DC, but I follow the business and eyeball samples. The whole field has sunk into the mud in story, art, and content, and innovation worth reading seems to be in the larger alternatives now. But there are several publishing lines that are a hope for the future.

My new slogan is 'don't fuck with my culture, Commies.'

DZP1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Odd how they don't make the villains black or gay.

I swear that if DC makes movies with gay black heroes I will have to target their Manhattan HQ from orbit and reduce to Communist ashes.

DZP1 11 points ago +11 / -0

Martin has always been a kind of hack in ways. Ambitious and persistent, but a hack. Just like the guy who novelized Star Wars, he's in entertainment for the money. Although the Star Wars guy was merely a prostitute, Martin seeks fame and fortune but thinks he's literature,

Let me dispel that illusion. He writes historical-flavored D&D soap opera not far above fan fic. He is the male equivalent of some romance writer pumping out books for love starved fat girls. Anyone calling him a Tolkien has their head up their ass.

Now, the problem is when television takes the work of a hack and applies TV hacknosity to it. The child of that is born crippled and doomed. Logic and common sense have never bothered TV creators. But when on top of that you add pompously pious virtual signalling. you get travesty. Covid is not the danger; woke is the virus that kills all. In the castle hangs a tapestry that says 'Be less white! Drink Mead Cola!"