Cameron 22 points ago +22 / -0

That number is much higher

Look how difficult it is for everyone to admit that a black person’s violence is motivated by racism. Remember those blacks that kidnapped the white boy? Remember blacks pulling that old white man out of his car, beating him and stealing the car while yelling “he voted for Trump get him!” Remember the xmas day parade?

Literally every time they came up with every excuse under the sun to try and make up some bullshit excuse other than hatred and then instead of admitting it they just stopped talking about it.

If a white person spits off a skyscraper and it hits a black person they call it a hate crime and add it to the tally.

The true numbers will never be known but if we had some way to show the reality it would fucking shock the normies.

Cameron 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even more because it's sung by a fat retard.

Lmao. He's so passionate singing it too, kills me every time.

Cameron 7 points ago +7 / -0

My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo

Cameron 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well shit I can’t say I’m surprised you did and got such an asinine reaction.

Man, I really feel for what the media did to their brains.

Cameron 19 points ago +19 / -0

Don’t overthink the argument against them. She called you dangerous

Dangerous to who? Dangerous to her? She’s triple vaccinated? If someone with one shot is dangerous to someone triple vaccinated then what’s her argument for getting triple vaccinated?

They always say 99% of people in hospitals are unvaccinated. So.... where’s the danger?

Cameron 3 points ago +4 / -1

You stupid bastard

I could care less about Reddit site activity, I care more about combating misinformation that is melting people’s brains.

Lol and you think Reddit is pedos and trannies “and worse?”

It’s nearly the most used website in the world, it has regular everyday people that deserve some truth among the curated propaganda that runs wild there.

You feel free to make excuses for your cowardice, they don’t hold water, but you keep telling yourself that.

Cameron 4 points ago +4 / -0

Who's the lower of "human quality levels?" You, who gives them what they want, a bastion where there is no dissent or counter opinions.

Or me, with a 10 year old reddit account that constantly pushes back against their dumbass narratives?

Sounds to me like you're a coward who left one echo chamber for the comfort of your own.

Cameron 14 points ago +14 / -0

After the "I'm a 30 year old dog walker" part he didn't have to nail him or do any extra work, the lunatic tranny janny did all the work for him. A 'leader' of reddit's antiwork movement is a fucking clown, you don't have to tell people he's a clown when he's wearing full make-up.

Cameron 8 points ago +8 / -0

That interview made my day, unfortunately I got banned from that antiwork sub very early on so I can't rub it in how fucking pathetic they are over there.

Hedonists who don't want to work for it, the worst type of deadweight a society can ask for