CTRLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

She will take another hit if she's white, and it's gonna be something along the line of "evil white supremacist" and "tin foil hat anti-vaxxer".

CTRLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because the moment you say amp up the security, these bleeding heart leftist will scream that “ThIs Is DeHuMaNiZiNg” and INSIST that public transit is a human rights issue instead of an infrastructure issue, therefore allowing these human garbage wandering around and causing a nuisance must be tolerated or you’re a bigot.

CTRLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

The elephant in the room is the security when you have insane homeless person wandering around and causing a nuisance at best. But you’re not allowed to amp up the security and cleanup a la Asian countries because the moment you brought that up, these bleeding heart liberals will scream “ThIs Is DeHuMaNiZiNg To ThE uNdErPrIvIlEgEd PeOpLe!”. And amping up security is outta the question after what happens after last summer.

CTRLee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Shut off the TV and stay off the internet cesspools like Reddit and Twitter. Go out for some exercise like cycling and jogging. You will quickly realize that it's a beautiful day out there.

CTRLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Them: Don't trust these quacks! Only trust the authoritah!

Also them: Hi my name's Jimmy Kimmel and I'm totally a certified doctor to give out medical advices! Get vaccinated or die, plague rat!

Everyday I'm getting Nazi Germany vibes from these people, and it's only ever increasing. At one point there's gonna be a war, but I don't know how it would be manifested.

CTRLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Them: You can’t coerce us with our body anatomy!

Also them: Fuck your body autonomy! Take the jab OR ELSE!

As per usual the left’s only standard is double standard. Rules for these but not for me.