The guy who has been doing those DnD SJW comics did a response cover that is amazingly better than this grape blob.
Watched my husband play it, the story is cool until 2/3rds in and you just keep saying "He's clearly evil, why did you allow him to live with you?!". My husband also got super tired of the over filled points of interest style map. It got very repetitive and boring, something about the combat just couldn't carry him to care enough about finishing everything. He said, "I'm so tired of this, I'll just finish the story and be done with it".
We heard the DLCs were better, but he just couldn't bring himself to pick it back up.
Through there I found the Governor of South Dakota's response,
Fucking based.
It's not even outright banning them, just saying the facility runners can pick and choose should the problem arise. That's the best answer cause I bet 90% of these people are transtrenders and men fetishising women.
What a goblin of a woman.