4 corroborating male witnesses
*This is 200% some jew lawyer trying to milk more money ...
She doesn't orgasm: 'Toxic Masculinity.'
She does orgasm: 'Toxic Masculinity.'
Didn't the SC rule that public officials could not lock their Twitter/X accounts?
Huge. Everyone thinks they are 'smart.' Statistically, very few are.
The more intelligent you are, the lonlier you are. Imagine trying to carry on a meaningful social or romantic relationship or work with a mentally retarded person. That's what almost everyone is to us. We don't look down on you, we just don't want to deal with your foolishness. Like someone else said, interacting with you ranges between tedious and infuriating.
it ranges between tedious and infuriating
Pattern recognition. Pattern recognition is a key component of intelligence. It's why IQ tests have a lot of 'what number is next in this series' and 'which of these things is not like the other' questions. You are a lot better at predicting outcomes - positive and negative - because you recognize patterns. You see people making the same mistakes repeatedly, and wonder why. It's not that you never make mistakes, but you never make them twice. You are also really good at extrapolating the consequences of others' mistakes, ie: 'johnny stuck a fork in an electrical outlet and got shocked. I'd better not stick a fork in an electrical outlet.'
That is not possible. If it is 66% of your sales, it is 66% of your output. Unless you've got millions of non-manga sitting around in boxes unsold.
*It’s almost assuredly a jew lawyer who wants a payday.