I stopped listening to Sam after his ridiculous attempt to try and frame Clinton as being better than Trump in 2016. He was full of emotional bullshit, and certainly not rational. It was probably the first time I seen the tribe member in him. A year or two later he famously said: "white identity politics is the worst identity politics", which reveled his hand even further. A Jew can only be rational when removed from his tribalism, and Jewish tribalism is at its worst when it comes to Europeans. They hate us more than Muslims even though Muslims would be far quicker to physically destroy them if they had their way.
I stopped listening to Sam after his ridiculous attempt to try and frame Clinton as being better than Trump in 2016. He was full of emotional bullshit, and certainly not rational. It was probably the first time I seen the tribe member in him. A year or two later he famously said: "white identity politics is the worst identity politics", which reveled his hand even further. A Jew can only be rational when removed from his tribalism, and Jewish tribalism is at it's worst when it comes to Europeans. They hate us more than Muslims even though Muslims would be far quicker to physically destroy them if they had their way.
I stopped listening to Sam after his ridiculous attempt to try and frame Clinton as being better than Trump in 2016. He was full of emotional bullshit, and certainly not rational. It was probably the first time I seen the tribe member in him. A year or two later he famously said: "white identity politics is the worst identity politics", which reveled his hand even further. A Jew can only be rational when removed from his tribalism, and Jewish tribalism is at it's worst when it comes to Europeans. They hate us more than Muslims even though Muslims would be far quicker to psychically destroy them if they had their way.
I stopped listening to Sam after his ridiculous attempt to try and frame Clinton as being better than Trump in 2016. He was full of emotional bullshit, and certainly not rational. It was probably the first time I seen the tribe member in him. A year or two later he famously said: "white identity politics is the worst identity politics", which reveled his hand even further. A jew can only be rational when removed from his tribalism, and Jewish tribalism is at it's worst when it comes to Europeans. They hate us more than Muslims even thought Muslims would be far quicker to psychically destroy them if they had their way.