One thing to keep in mind, before the 19th amendment ruined this country forever, the U.S. was majority republican for a huge chunk of its history because that's how people voted. Even as recently as the 80s, a republican president won in a landslide. Most hardworking Americans vote intelligently because it's thier money and lives on the line.
What honestly needs to happen, is the federal government needs to have the majority of it's power stripped and given back to the states. Then take it a step further, and only the town you live in has the most affect on your life. Localization is the key, politicians can't get away with shit when they live in your town.
One thing to keep in mind, before the 19th amendment ruined this country forever, the country was republican because that's how people voted. Even as recently as the 80s, a republican president won in a landslide. Most hardworking Americans vote intelligently because it's thier money and lives on the line.
What honestly needs to happen though, is the federal government needs to have majority of us power stripped and given back to the states. Then take it a step further, and only the town you live in has the most affect on your life. Localization is the key, politicians can't get away with shit when they live in your town.