Minorities are here to plunder resources created by Whites and do everything they can to promote their own people out of self-interest. Every minority is embracing the obnoxious leftist drivel because it is a tool for their own personal gain, impacts on society be damned.
Most minorities seem to have no interest in stability, tranquility, or cleanliness because they don’t perceive the value of qualities that don’t directly benefit them in an immediate fashion. They don’t think about indirect consequences whatsoever and merely see the world as entirely the result of direct consequences. They don’t act to specifically destroy White People or White Society, Minorities destroy White People and White Society indirectly by pushing interests that benefit themselves in the very short term while being completely incapable of seeing how their interests indirectly make themselves worse off, particularly in the long run.
Minorities are here to plunder resources created by Whites and do everything they can to promote their own people out of self-interest. Every minority is embracing the obnoxious leftist drivel because it is a tool for their own personal gain, impacts on society be damned.
Most minorities seem to have no interest in stability, tranquility, or cleanliness because they don’t perceive the value of qualities that don’t directly benefit them in an immediate fashion. They don’t think about indirect consequences whatsoever and merely see the world as entirely the result of direct consequences. They don’t act to specifically destroy White People or White Society, Minorities destroy White People and White Society indirectly by pushing interests that benefit themselves in the very short term while being completely incapable of seeing how their interests Indirectly make themselves worse off, particularly in the long run.