if it's in the dumpster, it's not stolen, unless you want to argue that contents of the dumpster belong to the garbage collection company and they should be the one to resell the stuffs. if the people throwing away scuffed products don't want people profiting from their discards they can destroy them like gamestop or famous designer brands
if it's in the dumpster, it's not stolen, unless you want to argue that contents of the dumpster belong to the garbage collection company and they should be the one to resell the stuffs. if the people throwing away scuffed products don't want people profiting from their discards they can destroy it like gamestop or famous designer brands
if it's in the dumpster, it's not stolen, unless you want argue that contents of the dumpster belong to the garbage collection company and they should be the one to resell the stuffs. if the people throwing away scuffed products don't want people profiting from their discards they can destroy it like gamestop or famous designer brands