I swear to God some of the fuckers in this crowd look atleast 30, I thought these were school children but no - there are honest to goodness manlets are among them.
I sincerely hope that shit like this culminates into a collective rebirth of a Vlad Tepes consciousness, because that's what they seem to want. Why are they so fucking ungrateful to the people kind enough to let them in? Who knows - fuck em'.
I swear to God some of the fuckers in this crowd look atleast 30, I thought these were school children but no - there are honest to goodness manlets are among them.
I sincerely hope that shit like this culminates into a collective rebirth of a Vlad Tepes conscience, because that's what they seem to want. Why are they so fucking ungrateful to the people kind enough to let them in? Who knows - fuck em'.
I swear to God some of the fuckers in this crowd look atleast 30, I thought these were school children but no - honest to goodness manlets are among them.
I sincerely hope that shit like this culminates into a collective rebirth of a Vlad Tepes conscience, because that's what they seem to want. Why are they so fucking ungrateful to the people kind enough to let them in? Who knows - fuck em'.
I swear to God some of the fuckers in this crowd look atleast 30, I thought these were school children but no - honest to goodness manlets are among them.
I sincerely hope that shit like this culminates into a collective rebirth of Vlad Tepes, because that's what they seem to want.
I swear to God some of the fuckers in this crowd look atleast 30, I thought these were school children but no - honest to goodness manlets are among them.