It implies that there's standards for getting married/ becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because they dont like the idea of standards for women.
Because it implies that there's standards for getting married/ becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because they dont like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" implies that there's standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because they dont like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" implies that there's standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she(?) doesnt like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" implies that there's standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she? doesnt like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" implies that there's standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she doesnt like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" is used when a girl does something embarrassing . And it implies that there's standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she doesnt like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" is used when a girl does something embarrassing and it implies that there's standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she doesnt like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" implies standards for women and standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she doesnt like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" implies standards on women and standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she doesnt like the idea of standards for women.
"i can no longer become a wife" puts standards on women and standards for becoming a wife. Thats why this person is upset because she doesnt like the idea of standards for women.