To know the value of order you need to know chaos.
Knowledge (perception) represents input of order (flow); Intelligence (comprehension) represents sustenance of chaos (form) through choice of adherence to order (flow).
Motion (flow) causes momentum (form); a balance that allows form to "evaluate" flow, which represents the highest value in ALL (flow) existence...ONEs (form) choice to evaluate it.
The trick is to not let it corrupt you
Order (flow) corrupts chaos (form); hence life representing the struggle of self sustenance before flow (inception) transmutes form (life) back to flow (death).
To know the value of order you need to know chaos.
Knowledge (perception) represents input of order (flow); Intelligence (comprehension) represents sustenance of of chaos (form) through choice of adherence to order (flow).
Motion (flow) causes momentum (form); a balance that allows form to "evaluate" flow, which represents the highest value in ALL (flow) existence...ONEs (form) choice to evaluate it.
The trick is to not let it corrupt you
Order (flow) corrupts chaos (form); hence life representing the struggle of self sustenance before flow (inception) transmutes form (life) back to flow (death).