You know what really drives me up a fucking wall with these identity politics being pushed into every fucking type of media now? It's MADE me start noticing race. This shit pisses me off to no end.
I'm not racist. I've never been racist. When I was a kid and a star wars fanatic, Lando wasn't a black guy, he was just a guy. A very, very well-written character whose race didn't even fucking factor into my 12-year old brain.
Now, though? Now every fucking mainstream trailer that comes out has me counting. "Oh look all the villains are white, all the heroes are black/brown, what a fucking surprise, guess I'm not buying this garbage". I can't fucking stand it anymore. It's gotten to the point that I even fucking FEEL racist by thinking these things, but quickly get that shit out of my head because it's not about race. It's about the fucking identity politics.
A GROUP OF 5 BRAVE REBEL HEROES! Oh look, a brown girl, a black girl, an androgynous fucking manwoman, and two aliens, because with aliens you don't even have to worry about what race or gender they are, you can just be assured that they're non-white because GOD FORBID there's a white protagonist in 2020.
Meanwhile, the GROUP OF 5 EVIL EMPIRE VILLAINS! Oh look, a white dude, two white girls, an asian dude (yellow is the new white, amirite?) and another tall (probably male) character in a full suit that doesn't show his race. Who wants to get a betting pool going that the pilot with the helmet on is an evil white male too?
This shit has GOT to fucking stop. I fucking hate myself for even looking at trailers like these and counting the white and the non-white characters and what side they're on, but it's so fucking blatant and on-the-nose these days that I can't even fucking help myself anymore. It's the only way I can avoid wasting 60 dollars on a piece of garbage that gave up trying to be entertaining in the name of pushing a political agenda. Holy fucking shit am I tired of these fucks running hollywood getting their hands on major videogame industry titles now.
You've just described my own thoughts 100%. I hate that I've started noticing race in everything. I never cared about race or even gender growing up and now I can't stop seeing it and just can't watch or play games if I notice shit like this.
Yeah. I think that this year, I have only (re-)watched 70's and 80's movies.
And in every single one of them, it felt like everyone was their character first, instead of just showing up present and in attendance in order to tick off the next box on a diversity checklist.
Fast forward to 2020, and almost every single time, this woke bullshit comes up, it's not so much "telling different stories from marginalised people's perspectives", but just "we're going to shit on everything you love and hold dear, and you're going to pay us for the privilege."
They march under the banner of anti-racism, and they talk about how they want to end racism, but they are nothing more than race hustlers who need to ensure they have a constant stream of (often fabricated) injustice to campaign against.
Man, I rewatched john carpenter's They Live this week and holy shit Keith David knocked it out of the fucking park in that movie. And at no point in the entire movie is there any mention or cop-out to the fact he's a black man. He's just a construction worker like everyone else. So fucking refreshing. No gratuitious shot of the evil white supervisor bullying him because he's black, no random-ass references to how much easier the white workers have it. Nothing. Just two like-minded people, one white, one black, who are both in a shitty situation and decide to fucking do something about a global conspiracy.
You could tell from the trailer that the producers were woke retards.
You know what really drives me up a fucking wall with these identity politics being pushed into every fucking type of media now? It's MADE me start noticing race. This shit pisses me off to no end.
I'm not racist. I've never been racist. When I was a kid and a star wars fanatic, Lando wasn't a black guy, he was just a guy. A very, very well-written character whose race didn't even fucking factor into my 12-year old brain.
Now, though? Now every fucking mainstream trailer that comes out has me counting. "Oh look all the villains are white, all the heroes are black/brown, what a fucking surprise, guess I'm not buying this garbage". I can't fucking stand it anymore. It's gotten to the point that I even fucking FEEL racist by thinking these things, but quickly get that shit out of my head because it's not about race. It's about the fucking identity politics.
A GROUP OF 5 BRAVE REBEL HEROES! Oh look, a brown girl, a black girl, an androgynous fucking manwoman, and two aliens, because with aliens you don't even have to worry about what race or gender they are, you can just be assured that they're non-white because GOD FORBID there's a white protagonist in 2020.
Meanwhile, the GROUP OF 5 EVIL EMPIRE VILLAINS! Oh look, a white dude, two white girls, an asian dude (yellow is the new white, amirite?) and another tall (probably male) character in a full suit that doesn't show his race. Who wants to get a betting pool going that the pilot with the helmet on is an evil white male too?
This shit has GOT to fucking stop. I fucking hate myself for even looking at trailers like these and counting the white and the non-white characters and what side they're on, but it's so fucking blatant and on-the-nose these days that I can't even fucking help myself anymore. It's the only way I can avoid wasting 60 dollars on a piece of garbage that gave up trying to be entertaining in the name of pushing a political agenda. Holy fucking shit am I tired of these fucks running hollywood getting their hands on major videogame industry titles now.
You've just described my own thoughts 100%. I hate that I've started noticing race in everything. I never cared about race or even gender growing up and now I can't stop seeing it and just can't watch or play games if I notice shit like this.
Yeah. I think that this year, I have only (re-)watched 70's and 80's movies.
And in every single one of them, it felt like everyone was their character first, instead of just showing up present and in attendance in order to tick off the next box on a diversity checklist.
Fast forward to 2020, and almost every single time, this woke bullshit comes up, it's not so much "telling different stories from marginalised people's perspectives", but just "we're going to shit on everything you love and hold dear, and you're going to pay us for the privilege."
They march under the banner of anti-racism, and they talk about how they want to end racism, but they are nothing more than race hustlers who need to ensure they have a constant stream of (often fabricated) injustice to campaign against.
Man, I rewatched john carpenter's They Live this week and holy shit Keith David knocked it out of the fucking park in that movie. And at no point in the entire movie is there any mention or cop-out to the fact he's a black man. He's just a construction worker like everyone else. So fucking refreshing. No gratuitious shot of the evil white supervisor bullying him because he's black, no random-ass references to how much easier the white workers have it. Nothing. Just two like-minded people, one white, one black, who are both in a shitty situation and decide to fucking do something about a global conspiracy.
This exactly. They aren't being good actors, they are just roleplaying a checkbox.
Demographics is destiny.
The longer you fight the idea of racial difference the harder it'll be to recover from the change.
Race matters.
These days I dont need to count because I never see a white dude
Same for me. It's miserable. And these cucked cunts did this to me.