These "progressive" leftists always use motte and bailey tactics to advance their agendas.
They are now learning to hide their power level more than ever before with critics like James Lindsay and Christopher F. Rufo revealing their deeply held beliefs.
The problem is getting them to express their racialist variant of Marx ideology in full and in the public's eye.
Light is the best weapon to appeal to the normies in order to truly stop them.
Light is the best weapon to appeal to the normies in order to truly stop them.
That's what I'm afraid of.
Most of the time, normies just need to be exposed to the danger and educated in how to confront it in their daily lives. ... But I don't think the left is going to allow that to happen. I think they are going to enrage the normies out of nothing more than petty, bitter, resentfulness.
If the normies all move in one direction in anger, the best thing anyone can do is urge them to calm down lest you get culled in their fairly uncontrolled but overwhelming fury.
If the normies thrust, give them whatever the hell they want and back off.
These "progressive" leftists always use motte and bailey tactics to advance their agendas.
They are now learning to hide their power level more than ever before with critics like James Lindsay and Christopher F. Rufo revealing their deeply held beliefs.
The problem is getting them to express their racialist variant of Marx ideology in full and in the public's eye.
Light is the best weapon to appeal to the normies in order to truly stop them.
That's what I'm afraid of.
Most of the time, normies just need to be exposed to the danger and educated in how to confront it in their daily lives. ... But I don't think the left is going to allow that to happen. I think they are going to enrage the normies out of nothing more than petty, bitter, resentfulness.
If the normies all move in one direction in anger, the best thing anyone can do is urge them to calm down lest you get culled in their fairly uncontrolled but overwhelming fury.
If the normies thrust, give them whatever the hell they want and back off.