Black business owner has had enough, he won't serve black people any more
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Reminds me of the guy who organized the Ferguson Protest.
Unfortunately many don't need much manipulating. Being of considerably lower average IQ makes all the other bad influences stick so much easier.
That also makes them receptive to new messages. We need a new religion to replace this progressive perversion of the church, one for a meritocratic heirarchy.
It goes deeper than that. We can't have a functioning meritocracy until we bring back chastity, virtue, and monogamy.
The fundamental underlying bargain of western civilization goes like this: You men who are in the bottom 85-80%. If you agree to do the unglamorous work society needs to function, and don't act too rowdy and destabilize things, then you will get a woman. She will be a virgin and will be faithful to you and that way you will be confident that any children she bears will be yours. In this way you have a vested interest in supporting the society as your legacy will continue into future generations. In addition your position as the head of a family will grant you a measure of deference and respect, at least in the public sphere, in exchange for the toil and tribulations you endure daily that you wouldn't if you weren't supporting a family.
This bargain required repression of women's biologically natural inclination to seek out a top 15% male and insert herself into his harem. And to have children from multiple men to increase the genetic diversity of her offspring. That was done through religious indoctrination and close family ties where the constant guidance of the older generation of women "set straight" the younger ones.
In modern times that bargain has been broken. No religion, no family ties, and a degenerate culture that encourage women to spend their teens and 20s sleeping around as much as they can. Then only "settle down" after 30.
Below 80% men no longer have a reason to contribute. The effort and risk required to compete against the 80%+ men just isn't worth it and even then there is no real reward.
Sounds good to me, throw that into the 'to restore' box. I'm throwing in the pope and crusading, although Trump has practically taken Jerusalem already by moving the embassy.
This is literally retarded.
Reminder that several people involved with the Ferguson protests are dead now, two of which were murdered in the exact same way - shot and then torched in a car.
Sounds like Farrakhan is at it again.