The tranny one works only in what a Lefties idea of the world is.
We believe what you are born as strictly defines what you are for your life, so if you are born the wrong gender than we accept that and let you live as the correct one forever. We cannot question this whatsoever as we are caught in our logic trap!
Its actually enlightening on how they see the world, and why they don't fear the savages and barbarism of a lot of non-Western people. Because they think they can just Marvel quip them into submission by outplaying them with word games and sassy hits.
The tranny one works only in what a Lefties idea of the world is.
Its actually enlightening on how they see the world, and why they don't fear the savages and barbarism of a lot of non-Western people. Because they think they can just Marvel quip them into submission by outplaying them with word games and sassy hits.
Rich Burlew is a retarded. But he hits sometimes.
The swashbuckler getting floored by a barbarian because "puns are for girls" is a good one.