I've been burned before by people on the right cheering about a movie/game failing, only for it to not have failed. So I'll wait and see before I judge.
Where are you getting that billion number? Surely, they did not think Snow Brownie and Seven Magical Creatures would make a billion. Did they?
According to the NYT, the movie cost "at least $350 million" to make and market. Where is the other $650 million coming from? Just as I'm writing this, I realize that (obviously) the theaters also take a cut. Is that it? Theaters taking 2/3 makes sense.
Snow White is one of their most important franchises and most of their previous live actions broke the billion dollar mark, even the ones that were completely forgotten in a week like Aladdin.
Number autism aside, they absolutely expected it to break a billion easy like Lion King (their other most important franchise) did.
I've been burned before by people on the right cheering about a movie/game failing, only for it to not have failed. So I'll wait and see before I judge.
It has to hit a billion at the box office to break even. There is no need to wait on this one. They aren't even going to come close.
Where are you getting that billion number? Surely, they did not think Snow Brownie and Seven Magical Creatures would make a billion. Did they?
According to the NYT, the movie cost "at least $350 million" to make and market. Where is the other $650 million coming from? Just as I'm writing this, I realize that (obviously) the theaters also take a cut. Is that it? Theaters taking 2/3 makes sense.
That said, looking up how much they spent on it, looks like the MSM is also not very impressed with these numbers: Disney’s ‘Snow White’ Has a Sleepy Box Office Start
Snow White is one of their most important franchises and most of their previous live actions broke the billion dollar mark, even the ones that were completely forgotten in a week like Aladdin.
Number autism aside, they absolutely expected it to break a billion easy like Lion King (their other most important franchise) did.