It's fun we have two massive failures to laugh at at the same time.
Just checked: AC Shadows is still stuck at 60k Steam peak players. Didn't even get much of a weekend bump. Climbed from 40k to 60k gradually, was 60k Saturday, Sunday, and so far today.
We might see another bump if there's a big patch and sale or something, and it's too soon to say definitively, but it seems stuck so far. At less than Veilguard numbers. Owch.
And, yes, I do think Ubi's launcher is more used than EA's, so it's not apples and apples, but still.
Its even funnier because not only could they give "The AC everyone always wanted" but also brought in all the forgotten Tenchu fans back from the forgotten pages of history and had a whole new demographic on top.
Instead Ninja Gaiden pulled out of the ether to steal some of their shine and they pissed off everyone possible otherwise.
It's fun we have two massive failures to laugh at at the same time.
Just checked: AC Shadows is still stuck at 60k Steam peak players. Didn't even get much of a weekend bump. Climbed from 40k to 60k gradually, was 60k Saturday, Sunday, and so far today.
We might see another bump if there's a big patch and sale or something, and it's too soon to say definitively, but it seems stuck so far. At less than Veilguard numbers. Owch.
And, yes, I do think Ubi's launcher is more used than EA's, so it's not apples and apples, but still.
AC in Japan was Ubisoft's magic card they could play at any time and be a huge hit. They managed to monumentally fuck it up.
This is what toxic positivity does, no one dared say that having Yasuke as the main character was a bad idea.
Its even funnier because not only could they give "The AC everyone always wanted" but also brought in all the forgotten Tenchu fans back from the forgotten pages of history and had a whole new demographic on top.
Instead Ninja Gaiden pulled out of the ether to steal some of their shine and they pissed off everyone possible otherwise.