It might be jealousy that Trump at 78, Billionare property mogal and president of the United States is STILL a more attentive caring Dad to his son then theirs who hasn't returned with milk yet.
I knew a guy who literally "went out for milk & bread" and didn't return for 14 months (drinking binge, eh?). His now-ex wife literally threw a fry pan at him (she missed though) when he showed up one day carrying milk & bread.
It might be jealousy that Trump at 78, Billionare property mogal and president of the United States is STILL a more attentive caring Dad to his son then theirs who hasn't returned with milk yet.
I knew a guy who literally "went out for milk & bread" and didn't return for 14 months (drinking binge, eh?). His now-ex wife literally threw a fry pan at him (she missed though) when he showed up one day carrying milk & bread.