BAD NEWS: Court sides with Tommy Robinson's tormentors
Tommy's legal team came well-armed with facts, including a detailed psychological assessment of Tommy, showing that 150 days in solitary confinement are having serious mental health effects on him, only for the judge to rule he must remain in isolated.
He's a White male talking about real issues. No doubt they'll J6 his ass
They want to keep him alive as much as possible in fear and pain because that will send a lesson to every other individual who thinks about dissenting or criticising the Government. He's there as a deterrent to anyone else thinking about doing the same. Then when his usefulness ceases, they'll J6 his ass.
Yep they are making an example of him and rubbing it right in our faces. Pure demoralization
He is ethnically Irish/English but he is a mossad boi and not the "white man defending white country for white interests" that he markets as. The world is always more complicated than that.
The judge probably got a call from the Home Office.
Sometimes you can't arrest someone for what you want to arrest them for. Tommy is a mossad agitator. I'm not saying "muslims are good and never rape people", I'm just saying, Tommy is not an independent figure and England's agenda is not always 100% in sync with israel's agenda.
The govt of England is desperately trying to get white people to lay down and die slowly, spiritually, and Tommy's agitation activities work against that. Don't get me wrong- israel wants whites to stand up and die quickly, physically. israel benefits from chaos in white countries. That doesn't seem so great to the govt's of those countries, who want to rule over the end of white people with as little disruption as possible. Essentially, in the field of "enemies of white people" there is enough space for multiple entities with conflicting interests to bump shoulders.
Edit: didnt mean to piss people off here. Are you guys really bluepilled on this or do you hate muslims more than mossad, or what? Explain to me with words.