The smelly unwashed radical wing of the left hates Jews, while the normie wing of the left loves Jews / is secular Jews. That’s why this Israel - Palestine thing is so fucking hilarious, watching the infighting between these two groups of retards held together in a tenuous alliance by their hatred of common sense
That’s all kind of beside the point, as this isn’t a left-right thing - it’s that the Hollywood executive class is very Jewish, and by my read, probably very Zionist, too
It's a shock to a "jews run Hollywood" narrative. Perhaps it would serve well to look at who votes for these awards. It's not limited to executives, after all.
There is no secret jewish conspiracy to control your local governments. They openly do it.
Nigga seriously said he was harassing the cinema because showing a movie posed a threat to "public safety."
Jews have become the Nazi's they accuse everyone else of being. "It's for your safety."
Link: In turnaround, Miami Beach mayor backs down from threatening theater over ‘No Other Land’
How the fuck did an anti-Zionist movie win an academy award? I am without speech.
Because the left hates jews?
I don't know how this is a shock to anyone
The smelly unwashed radical wing of the left hates Jews, while the normie wing of the left loves Jews / is secular Jews. That’s why this Israel - Palestine thing is so fucking hilarious, watching the infighting between these two groups of retards held together in a tenuous alliance by their hatred of common sense
That’s all kind of beside the point, as this isn’t a left-right thing - it’s that the Hollywood executive class is very Jewish, and by my read, probably very Zionist, too
It's a shock to a "jews run Hollywood" narrative. Perhaps it would serve well to look at who votes for these awards. It's not limited to executives, after all.
leftists living in your head rent free