And isnt it weird how the Russians and German's hubris has always led them to undersetimate the scrappy but ultimately superior american cunning?
Theres 101 stories of the brave Lt with no air support or artillery supporting holding off a whole battalion with onlu 100 men.
I wonder why nobody in history has ever pulled off a glorious combat from the bad side.
Yeah, that's the most offensive bit to me. Talk about the Bad Guys or the Good Guys winning the war is absurd, because there were no pure Good Guys. Oh, and no one was doing it to protect the Jews, that was tacked on afterward.
People have a vastly skewed view of history. On both sides, to be fair; it's hard not to have a skewed view of history, since there's so much of it, and so many different possible interpretations, always filtered through others, almost always with their own biases. The primary people who don't have a skewed view of history are those who are more interested in the actual history itself, instead of the politics. Those people are few and far between. This isn't a dig, but I wouldn't be that surprised if we had none of those people here. And we're probably more likely than average to have them here, since we do have a bunch of nerds and autists and the like.
I got a bit off on a ramble, but my point is, anyone who holds up any of the Allied leaders as basically saints is incredibly indoctrinated, and usually doesn't even know it. Like you said, a bunch of those fuckers behaved in absolutely evil ways. But, if you mention facts a lot of normies' kneejerk reactions are to defend the Heroes...or just call you a Nazi Apologist. No, just like the Axis, the Allies committed a long and heinous string of crimes against humanity.
Yup, especially toward the end. People can discuss his original intentions but, no matter what they were, he got fucked on drugs and the stress, and was not a good person or a leader at the end. Hitler was a monster.
Fuck Churchill. I don't care about politics, any leader who intentionally gets his own people slaughtered is a monster. WW2 leaders deserved each other. The people deserved much better.
1000%. Doesn't make you perfect, but that's one of the main things I want in a leader; care and preference for your own people. The other is not being an evil fuck to others unless it's really, really, really fucking warranted. But, yeah...want to lead your countrymen? You have to love them.
Strange how that monster never used the stockpiles of chemical weapons (tabun and sarin) Germany had.
I didn't say complete monster.
You can be a monster without committing every evil act. Yes, Hitler had some good qualities too, including honor and restraint in some aspects of war. Pretty much every WW2 leader was a monster in some respect or another.
So which chapters of his story do you choose not to believe that he remains a monster but not a complete monster?