You can trace a direct line from the popularity of Harry Potter to the demise of YA. Not that Harry Potter was girl power romance slock but it created a whole generation of readers who only would read YA and then it became twilight and the hunger games.
Harry Potter was the start of YA becoming mainstream and it being acceptable for adults to read kid's books. Twilight and the Hunger Games though are definitely the main catalyst.
Women destroyed YA. You no longer get engaging and sometimes gritty stories. Instead it's girl power romance slock
You can trace a direct line from the popularity of Harry Potter to the demise of YA. Not that Harry Potter was girl power romance slock but it created a whole generation of readers who only would read YA and then it became twilight and the hunger games.
I honestly don't think you can blame Harry Potter. I'd say that Hunger Games is almost solely responsible because of the clones it spawned
Harry Potter was the start of YA becoming mainstream and it being acceptable for adults to read kid's books. Twilight and the Hunger Games though are definitely the main catalyst.