What an insipid article by a retarded leftist author (of mother jones articles no less)
ItS aFfEcTiNg mUh FrEeZePeAcH
O'RLY?! I didn't see you say dick when Reddit used the same tactics against TheDonald and other conservative groups, let alone ones like TheRedPill.
You also didn't seem to care when we pointed out that the tactics would be used against you, too.
Nope nope, you wanted to own the chuds and now that you're facing blowback you're whining and crying that it's not fair and a threat to honest dialogue. Well welcome to the party, pal.
Oh - and don't think your little white wash of Luigi's supporters of actual domestic terrorism here didn't go unnoticed either
What an insipid article by a retarded leftist author (of mother jones articles no less) ItS aFfEcTiNg mUh FrEeZePeAcH
O'RLY?! I didn't see you say dick when Reddit used the same tactics against TheDonald and other conservative groups, let alone ones like TheRedPill.
You also didn't seem to care when we pointed out that the tactics would be used against you, too.
Nope nope, you wanted to own the chuds and now that you're facing blowback you're whining and crying that it's not fair and a threat to honest dialogue. Well welcome to the party, pal.
Oh - and don't think your little white wash of Luigi's supporters of actual domestic terrorism here didn't go unnoticed either
Domestic terrorists making threats on the lives of public figures is quite a bit different from banning pro-Trump subs for existing.