I found myself in the open ocean, sailing by the light of the stars, and I realized that I can't think of a single movie off the top of my head from the last several years that stood out as memorable or good, and I think I only watched maybe a handful that even seemed interesting. I'm curious if there are any lesser known gems that I might have missed.
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Top Gun Maverick was alright especially if you liked the original.
It was literally the most predictable action movie I have ever seen, as I was watching it with my brother I could predict everything that was going to happen 10-30 seconds prior to it happening. It's not just that it was too tropey it's the fact that the story is almost identical to the original and they simply rehashed many of the scenes.
You don't watch Top Gun for the plot.
You watch if for the manly volleyball scenes!
Literally what about all the action scenes that were ripped off from the OG? Did you just conveniently forget that?
Who cares? I got to see more of what I wanted from the old movie? Top Gun is almost 30 years old, it's ok to toss in some member berries.
Get this guy a Certificate of Media Literacy.
10-30 seconds? You mean when they said the enemy "had some old F-14s" you didn't know what was going to happen in the third act?
It was still fun, but definitely brain-off fun.