Global warming is the most important issue ever. Internal combustion cars are literally killing us. Your children are literally all going to literally die because of ICE cars. Literally.
...What? The company that sells more than half the electric cars in the united states is run by a kind-of republican? It should be destroyed, then.
The irritating part is I actually agree with so-called "green policies" as a general solution because I want us to be less dependent on something that might run out in the future. Having renewable energy makes for a stronger country. The problem is, as always, the left fucking implements it completely wrong and tries to force it to be a "OMG IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD" issue.
An actual nationalist policy would have renewables in their agenda but not in the way these tree fucking faggots put it.
Same way they sabotaged the national healthcare issue. Many people myself included are sympathetic to the plight of uninsured and could be convinced to have the state subsidize some kind of care with taxes, but instead we had to be subjected with "Single payer now! Healthcare is a right! TREAT ME NIGGA!"
Global warming is the most important issue ever. Internal combustion cars are literally killing us. Your children are literally all going to literally die because of ICE cars. Literally.
...What? The company that sells more than half the electric cars in the united states is run by a kind-of republican? It should be destroyed, then.
The irritating part is I actually agree with so-called "green policies" as a general solution because I want us to be less dependent on something that might run out in the future. Having renewable energy makes for a stronger country. The problem is, as always, the left fucking implements it completely wrong and tries to force it to be a "OMG IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD" issue.
An actual nationalist policy would have renewables in their agenda but not in the way these tree fucking faggots put it.
Same way they sabotaged the national healthcare issue. Many people myself included are sympathetic to the plight of uninsured and could be convinced to have the state subsidize some kind of care with taxes, but instead we had to be subjected with "Single payer now! Healthcare is a right! TREAT ME NIGGA!"
No, fuck you, die in the street.
You’re still a green faggot.