Curious if anyone has played through and if it’s worth the price tag
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If you’re not desperate to play co-op with a specific group of people, then the answer is almost always “no, wait for discount”. In this case, the answer is “no, wait for discount and performance patches and the inevitable expansion”. I didn’t pick up World until last year, and it was cheaper, better optimized, and had twice as much content as launch day. Still plenty of people to play with, too. Fans of the series aren’t going to migrate anywhere else for at least another five years.
Monster Hunter World also wasn't nearly the unoptimized mess that Wilds is. It had its share of performance issues on launch, but not quite like this and it didn't seem be to nearly as widespread.
World was unoptimized, but that was mostly fixable coding issues that they eventually accomplished.
Wilds has 2 DRMs operating at once, one of which is Capcom's own personal one which is incredibly bad, an in-house engine that is made for single-player linear levels trying to run an open world game, and multiple "special graphics " settings built into it making it a game of trial and error to figure out which one is destroying your system.
They screwed themselves hard on trying to fix it, and even that "million players on launch" metric is already fucked by how many were forced to refund due to it being unplayable.
I miss the MT Framework engine. That one managed to create so many great games.