This one is going out to Antonio of Venice. In another thread I observed him calming that woke trans behavior couldn't be socialist, because the USSR was anti-gay.
So this is an educational resource for those who don't know how politicizing of fundamental social concepts like sex and gender roles can work towards a Neo-Marxist agenda.
Here is a link to an episode of James Lindsay's New Discourses podcast, where he defines Queer Theory and gives some of its history.
New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 94; The Political Definition of "Queer"
James Lindsay isn't perfect. He is committed to the reform of the sphere of academia, and he recently tried to make "woke right" a thing. That said, he is very knowledgeable and gives extensive citations for every point he makes in this podcast. There are well cited publications elsewhere in his body of work which have extensive discussion and exhaustive citations. This is (more or less) the short, short version.
Queer Theory is a descendent of Critical Theory and redefines the Marxist class struggle along different lines.
The podcast episode critiques queer theory as defined by David Halperin, a foundational queer theorist.
Halperin frames "queer" not as an identity rooted in reality (like being gay) but as a political stance opposed to norms, legitimacy, and dominance. Halperin’s definition seeks to elevate Foucault to sainthood and divorces "queer" from any "positive truth" or "stable reality," instead positioning it as a fluid, oppositional force against societal structures.
Lindsay argues this politicizes identity, conflates personal and political realms (a "Marxist maneuver"), and enables radical outcomes—including destabilizing science, rejecting limiting principles, and potentially justifying harm to children. Queer theory’s lack of "essence" or grounding in reality, Lindsay claims, makes it inherently destructive, warranting opposition to its ideological framework.
tl;dr tl;dw:
Queer Theory defines "queer" as political action specifically in opposition to existing social structures; deliberately conflating sexuality with political action. Doing so it makes action outside the sexual orthodoxly inherently political, without restriction. IMNHO Queer Theory specifically encourages both sexualizing and politicizing the youth.
The astute observer will observe this is exactly what is happening with the grooming and transing of kids.
It is just one of many variants of cultural marxism, which is a favored tool of the globalist. They saw how effective communism was at destabilizing society and allowing an authoritarian takeover, and devised a version that would ignore the upper class in favor of sowing division between the lower classes. The head of the snake cares for no group or dogma, only power. They will use anything to concentrate power and take it over.
Racial identity politics are the same. This is why BLM used so much marxist terminology.
Globalists wield multiculturalism as a weapon, but it’s important to understand that the absence of the elites would not result in spontaneous cooperation and brotherhood among everyone else. We are organically divided by many things. Globalists have simply created close proximity for incompatible tribes.
Multiculturalism is just another marxist tactic to create the conditions for civil conflict. No sane society allows immigration greater than their own replacement rate, outside of the kind that comes from conquest - and conquered lands don't typically get a say in government for generations. And the outright anti-assimilation mindset is clearly weaponized.
We've also seen the consequences of trying to hold onto hostile cultures and everyone sane realized it isn't worthwhile.
Spot on.
Except it ignores the reality of organic division between peoples.