It makes it all the more of a mask drop moment when anyone pointing to cultural subversion in that era decides, of all examples, to pick out Saved By the Bell and Friends... Bumped straight up to Alert Mode when that person is brown.
The eighties and nineties are also the decades of MTV, which ultimately gave us the 'documentary' called 'White People' in 2015. Something that they were working up to in hindsight.
MTV relentlessly pushed the victimhood narrative about how black people were just so deserving for simply being black and having being oppressed in decades prior. They were also instrumental in propelling the fame of movie star Will Smith to astronomical heights with the MTV movie awards and promotion of his music videos.
It makes it all the more of a mask drop moment when anyone pointing to cultural subversion in that era decides, of all examples, to pick out Saved By the Bell and Friends... Bumped straight up to Alert Mode when that person is brown.
The eighties and nineties are also the decades of MTV, which ultimately gave us the 'documentary' called 'White People' in 2015. Something that they were working up to in hindsight.
MTV relentlessly pushed the victimhood narrative about how black people were just so deserving for simply being black and having being oppressed in decades prior. They were also instrumental in propelling the fame of movie star Will Smith to astronomical heights with the MTV movie awards and promotion of his music videos.